EPage 84
- English Word Enceinte Definition The line of works which forms the main inclosure of a fortress or place; -- called also body of the place.
- English Word Enceinte Definition The area or town inclosed by a line of fortification.
- English Word Enceinte Definition Pregnant; with child.
- English Word Encenia Definition A festival commemorative of the founding of a city or the consecration of a church; also, the ceremonies (as at Oxford and Cambridge, England) commemorative of founders or benefactors.
- English Word Encense Definition To offer incense to or upon; to burn incense.
- English Word Encephalic Definition Pertaining to the encephalon or brain.
- English Word Encephalitis Definition Inflammation of the brain.
- English Word Encephalocele Definition Hernia of the brain.
- English Word Encephaloid Definition Resembling the material of the brain; cerebriform.
- English Word Encephaloid Definition An encephaloid cancer.
- English Word Encephalology Definition The science which treats of the brain, its structure and functions.
- English Word Encephalon Definition The contents of the cranium; the brain.
- English Word Encephalopathy Definition Any disease or symptoms of disease referable to disorders of the brain; as, lead encephalopathy, the cerebral symptoms attending chronic lead poisoning.
- English Word Encephalos Definition The encephalon.
- English Word Encephalotomy Definition The act or art of dissecting the brain.
- English Word Encephalous Definition Having a head; -- said of most Mollusca; -- opposed to acephalous.
- English Word Enchafe Definition To chafe; to enrage; to heat.
- English Word Enchafing Definition Heating; burning.
- English Word Enchain Definition To bind with a chain; to hold in chains.
- English Word Enchain Definition To hold fast; to confine; as, to enchain attention.
- English Word Enchain Definition To link together; to connect.
- English Word Enchainment Definition The act of enchaining, or state of being enchained.
- English Word Enchair Definition To seat in a chair.
- English Word Enchannel Definition To make run in a channel.
- English Word Enchant Definition To charm by sorcery; to act on by enchantment; to get control of by magical words and rites.
- English Word Enchant Definition To delight in a high degree; to charm; to enrapture; as, music enchants the ear.
- English Word Enchanted Definition of Enchant
- English Word Enchanted Definition Under the power of enchantment; possessed or exercised by enchanters; as, an enchanted castle.
- English Word Enchanter Definition One who enchants; a sorcerer or magician; also, one who delights as by an enchantment.
- English Word Enchanting Definition of Enchant