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  • English Word Cormorant Definition Any species of Phalacrocorax, a genus of sea birds having a sac under the beak; the shag. Cormorants devour fish voraciously, and have become the emblem of gluttony. They are generally black, and hence are called sea ravens, and coalgeese.
  • English Word Cormorant Definition A voracious eater; a glutton, or gluttonous servant.
  • English Word Cormoraut Definition Ravenous; voracious.
  • English Word Cormus Definition See Corm.
  • English Word Cormus Definition A vegetable or animal made up of a number of individuals, such as, for example, would be formed by a process of budding from a parent stalk wherre the buds remain attached.
  • English Word Corn Definition A thickening of the epidermis at some point, esp. on the toes, by friction or pressure. It is usually painful and troublesome.
  • English Word Corn Definition A single seed of certain plants, as wheat, rye, barley, and maize; a grain.
  • English Word Corn Definition The various farinaceous grains of the cereal grasses used for food, as wheat, rye, barley, maize, oats.
  • English Word Corn Definition The plants which produce corn, when growing in the field; the stalks and ears, or the stalks, ears, and seeds, after reaping and before thrashing.
  • English Word Corn Definition A small, hard particle; a grain.
  • English Word Corn Definition To preserve and season with salt in grains; to sprinkle with salt; to cure by salting; now, specifically, to salt slightly in brine or otherwise; as, to corn beef; to corn a tongue.
  • English Word Corn Definition To form into small grains; to granulate; as, to corn gunpowder.
  • English Word Corn Definition To feed with corn or (in Sctland) oats; as, to corn horses.
  • English Word Corn Definition To render intoxicated; as, ale strong enough to corn one.
  • English Word Cornage Definition Anancient tenure of land, which obliged the tenant to give notice of an invasion by blowing a horn.
  • English Word Cornamute Definition A cornemuse.
  • English Word Cornbind Definition A weed that binds stalks of corn, as Convolvulus arvensis, Polygonum Convolvulus.
  • English Word Corncob Definition The cob or axis on which the kernels of Indian corn grow.
  • English Word Corncrake Definition A bird (Crex crex or C. pratensis) which frequents grain fields; the European crake or land rail; -- called also corn bird.
  • English Word Corncrib Definition A crib for storing corn.
  • English Word Corncutter Definition A machine for cutting up stalks of corn for food of cattle.
  • English Word Corncutter Definition An implement consisting of a long blade, attached to a handle at nearly a right angle, used for cutting down the stalks of Indian corn.
  • English Word Corndodger Definition A cake made of the meal of Indian corn, wrapped in a covering of husks or paper, and baked under the embers.
  • English Word Cornea Definition The transparent part of the coat of the eyeball which covers the iris and pupil and admits light to the interior. See Eye.
  • English Word Corneal Definition Pertaining to the cornea.
  • English Word Corneas Definition of Cornea
  • English Word Corned Definition of Corn
  • English Word Cornel Definition The cornelian cherry (Cornus Mas), a European shrub with clusters of small, greenish flowers, followed by very acid but edible drupes resembling cherries.
  • English Word Cornel Definition Any species of the genus Cornus, as C. florida, the flowering cornel; C. stolonifera, the osier cornel; C. Canadensis, the dwarf cornel, or bunchberry.
  • English Word Cornelian Definition Same as Carnelian.