CPage 423
- English Word Cornet-a-piston Definition A brass wind instrument, like the trumpet, furnished with valves moved by small pistons or sliding rods; a cornopean; a cornet.
- English Word Cornetcy Definition The commission or rank of a cornet.
- English Word Corneter Definition One who blows a cornet.
- English Word Cornets-a-piston Definition of Cornet-a-piston
- English Word Corneule Definition One of the corneas of a compound eye in the invertebrates.
- English Word Cornfield Definition A field where corn is or has been growing; -- in England, a field of wheat, rye, barley, or oats; in America, a field of Indian corn.
- English Word Cornfloor Definition A thrashing floor.
- English Word Cornflower Definition A conspicuous wild flower (Centaurea Cyanus), growing in grainfields.
- English Word Corni Definition di basseto (pl. ) of Corno di bassetto
- English Word Corni Inglesi Definition of Corno Inglese
- English Word Cornic Definition Pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, the dogwood (Cornus florida).
- English Word Cornice Definition Any horizontal, molded or otherwise decorated projection which crowns or finishes the part to which it is affixed; as, the cornice of an order, pedestal, door, window, or house.
- English Word Corniced Definition Having a cornice.
- English Word Cornicle Definition A little horn.
- English Word Cornicula Definition of Corniculum
- English Word Cornicular Definition A secretary or clerk.
- English Word Corniculum Definition A small hornlike part or process.
- English Word Corniferous Definition Of or pertaining to the lowest period of the Devonian age. (See the Diagram, under Geology.) The Corniferous period has been so called from the numerous seams of hornstone which characterize the later part of the period, as developed in the State of New York.
- English Word Cornific Definition Producing horns; forming horn.
- English Word Cornification Definition Conversion into, or formation of, horn; a becoming like horn.
- English Word Cornified Definition Converted into horn; horny.
- English Word Corniform Definition Having the shape of a horn; horn-shaped.
- English Word Cornigerous Definition Horned; having horns; as, cornigerous animals.
- English Word Cornin Definition A bitter principle obtained from dogwood (Cornus florida), as a white crystalline substance; -- called also cornic acid.
- English Word Cornin Definition An extract from dogwood used as a febrifuge.
- English Word Corning Definition of Corn
- English Word Corniplume Definition A hornlike tuft of feathers on the head of some birds.
- English Word Cornish Definition Of or pertaining to Cornwall, in England.
- English Word Cornish Definition The dialect, or the people, of Cornwall.
- English Word Cornist Definition A performer on the cornet or horn.