CPage 419
- English Word Core Definition The center or inner part, as of an open space; as, the core of a square.
- English Word Core Definition The most important part of a thing; the essence; as, the core of a subject.
- English Word Core Definition The prtion of a mold which shapes the interior of a cylinder, tube, or other hollow casting, or which makes a hole in or through a casting; a part of the mold, made separate from and inserted in it, for shaping some part of the casting, the form of which is not determined by that of the pattern.
- English Word Core Definition A disorder of sheep occasioned by worms in the liver.
- English Word Core Definition The bony process which forms the central axis of the horns in many animals.
- English Word Core Definition To take out the core or inward parts of; as, to core an apple.
- English Word Core Definition To form by means of a core, as a hole in a casting.
- English Word Coreopsis Definition A genus of herbaceous composite plants, having the achenes two-horned and remotely resembling some insect; tickseed. C. tinctoria, of the Western plains, the commonest plant of the genus, has been used in dyeing.
- English Word Corer Definition That which cores; an instrument for coring fruit; as, an apple corer.
- English Word Corf Definition A basket.
- English Word Corf Definition A large basket used in carrying or hoisting coal or ore.
- English Word Corf Definition A wooden frame, sled, or low-wheeled wagon, to convey coal or ore in the mines.
- English Word Corfiote Definition Alt. of Corfute
- English Word Corfute Definition A native or inhabitant of Corfu, an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
- English Word Coriaceous Definition Consisting of or resembling, leather; leatherlike; tough.
- English Word Coriaceous Definition Stiff, like leather or parchment.
- English Word Coriander Definition An umbelliferous plant, the Coriandrum sativum, the fruit or seeds of which have a strong smell and a spicy taste, and in medicine are considered as stomachic and carminative.
- English Word Coridine Definition A colorless or yellowish oil, C10H15N, of a leathery odor, occuring in coal tar, Dippel's oil, tobacco smoke, etc., regarded as an organic base, homologous with pyridine. Also, one of a series of metameric compounds of which coridine is a type.
- English Word Corindon Definition See Corrundum.
- English Word Coring Definition of Core
- English Word Corinne Definition The common gazelle (Gazella dorcas). See Gazelle.
- English Word Corinth Definition A city of Greece, famed for its luxury and extravagance.
- English Word Corinth Definition A small fruit; a currant.
- English Word Corinthiac Definition Pertaining to Corinth.
- English Word Corinthian Definition Of or relating to Corinth.
- English Word Corinthian Definition Of or pertaining to the Corinthian order of architecture, invented by the Greeks, but more commonly used by the Romans.
- English Word Corinthian Definition Debauched in character or practice; impure.
- English Word Corinthian Definition Of or pertaining to an amateur sailor or yachtsman; as, a corinthian race (one in which the contesting yachts must be manned by amateurs.)
- English Word Corinthian Definition A native or inhabitant of Corinth.
- English Word Corinthian Definition A gay, licentious person.