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  • English Word Waged Definition of Wage
  • English Word Wagel Definition See Waggel.
  • English Word Wagenboom Definition A south African proteaceous tree (Protea grandiflora); also, its tough wood, used for making wagon wheels.
  • English Word Wager Definition Something deposited, laid, or hazarded on the event of a contest or an unsettled question; a bet; a stake; a pledge.
  • English Word Wager Definition A contract by which two parties or more agree that a certain sum of money, or other thing, shall be paid or delivered to one of them, on the happening or not happening of an uncertain event.
  • English Word Wager Definition That on which bets are laid; the subject of a bet.
  • English Word Wager Definition To hazard on the issue of a contest, or on some question that is to be decided, or on some casualty; to lay; to stake; to bet.
  • English Word Wager Definition To make a bet; to lay a wager.
  • English Word Wagered Definition of Wager
  • English Word Wagerer Definition One who wagers, or lays a bet.
  • English Word Wagering Definition Hazarding; pertaining to the act of one who wagers.
  • English Word Wagering Definition of Wager
  • English Word Wages Definition A compensation given to a hired person for services; price paid for labor; recompense; hire. See Wage, n., 2.
  • English Word Wagged Definition of Wag
  • English Word Waggel Definition The young of the great black-backed gull (Larus marinus), formerly considered a distinct species.
  • English Word Waggeries Definition of Waggery
  • English Word Waggery Definition The manner or action of a wag; mischievous merriment; sportive trick or gayety; good-humored sarcasm; pleasantry; jocularity; as, the waggery of a schoolboy.
  • English Word Waggie Definition The pied wagtail.
  • English Word Wagging Definition of Wag
  • English Word Waggish Definition Like a wag; mischievous in sport; roguish in merriment or good humor; frolicsome.
  • English Word Waggish Definition Done, made, or laid in waggery or for sport; sportive; humorous; as, a waggish trick.
  • English Word Waggle Definition To reel, sway, or move from side to side; to move with a wagging motion; to waddle.
  • English Word Waggle Definition To move frequently one way and the other; to wag; as, a bird waggles his tail.
  • English Word Waggled Definition of Waggle
  • English Word Waggling Definition of Waggle
  • English Word Waging Definition of Wage
  • English Word Wagnerite Definition A fluophosphate of magnesia, occurring in yellowish crystals, and also in massive forms.
  • English Word Wagon Definition A freight car on a railway.
  • English Word Wagon Definition To wagon goods as a business; as, the man wagons between Philadelphia and its suburbs.
  • English Word Wagon Definition To transport in a wagon or wagons; as, goods are wagoned from city to city.