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  • English Word Waft Definition To cause to move or go in a wavy manner, or by the impulse of waves, as of water or air; to bear along on a buoyant medium; as, a balloon was wafted over the channel.
  • English Word Waft Definition To cause to float; to keep from sinking; to buoy.
  • English Word Waft Definition To be moved, or to pass, on a buoyant medium; to float.
  • English Word Waft Definition A wave or current of wind.
  • English Word Waft Definition A signal made by waving something, as a flag, in the air.
  • English Word Waft Definition An unpleasant flavor.
  • English Word Waft Definition A knot, or stop, in the middle of a flag.
  • English Word Waftage Definition Conveyance on a buoyant medium, as air or water.
  • English Word Wafted Definition of Waft
  • English Word Wafter Definition One who, or that which, wafts.
  • English Word Wafter Definition A boat for passage.
  • English Word Wafting Definition of Waft
  • English Word Wafture Definition The act of waving; a wavelike motion; a waft.
  • English Word Wag Definition A man full of sport and humor; a ludicrous fellow; a humorist; a wit; a joker.
  • English Word Wag Definition The act of wagging; a shake; as, a wag of the head.
  • English Word Wag Definition To go; to depart; to pack oft.
  • English Word Wag Definition To be in action or motion; to move; to get along; to progress; to stir.
  • English Word Wag Definition To move one way and the other with quick turns; to shake to and fro; to move vibratingly; to cause to vibrate, as a part of the body; as, to wag the head.
  • English Word Wag Definition To move one way and the other; to be shaken to and fro; to vibrate.
  • English Word Wag-halter Definition One who moves or wears a halter; one likely to be hanged.
  • English Word Wagati Definition A small East Indian wild cat (Felis wagati), regarded by some as a variety of the leopard cat.
  • English Word Wage Definition To bind one's self; to engage.
  • English Word Wage Definition That for which one labors; meed; reward; stipulated payment for service performed; hire; pay; compensation; -- at present generally used in the plural. See Wages.
  • English Word Wage Definition That which is staked or ventured; that for which one incurs risk or danger; prize; gage.
  • English Word Wage Definition To give security for the performance of.
  • English Word Wage Definition To put upon wages; to hire; to employ; to pay wages to.
  • English Word Wage Definition To adventure, or lay out, for hire or reward; to hire out.
  • English Word Wage Definition To pledge; to hazard on the event of a contest; to stake; to bet, to lay; to wager; as, to wage a dollar.
  • English Word Wage Definition To engage in, as a contest, as if by previous gage or pledge; to carry on, as a war.
  • English Word Wage Definition To expose one's self to, as a risk; to incur, as a danger; to venture; to hazard.