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- English Word Triglyceride Definition A glyceride formed by the replacement of three hydrogen atoms in glycerin by acid radicals.
- English Word Triglyph Definition An ornament in the frieze of the Doric order, repeated at equal intervals. Each triglyph consists of a rectangular tablet, slightly projecting, and divided nearly to the top by two parallel and perpendicular gutters, or channels, called glyphs, into three parts, or spaces, called femora. A half channel, or glyph, is also cut upon each of the perpendicular edges of the tablet. See Illust. of Entablature.
- English Word Triglyphic Definition Alt. of Triglyphical
- English Word Triglyphical Definition Consisting of, or pertaining to, triglyphs.
- English Word Triglyphical Definition Containing three sets of characters or sculptures.
- English Word Trigness Definition The quality or state of being trig; smartness; neatness.
- English Word Trigon Definition A figure having three angles; a triangle.
- English Word Trigon Definition A division consisting of three signs.
- English Word Trigon Definition Trine, an aspect of two planets distant 120 degrees from each other.
- English Word Trigon Definition A kind of triangular lyre or harp.
- English Word Trigon Definition A kind of game at ball played by three persons standing at the angular points of a triangle.
- English Word Trigonal Definition Having three angles, or corners; triangular; as, a trigonal stem, one having tree prominent longitudinal angles.
- English Word Trigone Definition A smooth triangular area on the inner surface of the bladder, limited by the apertures of the ureters and urethra.
- English Word Trigonia Definition A genus of pearly bivalve shells, numerous extinct species of which are characteristic of the Mesozoic rocks. A few living species exist on the coast of Australia.
- English Word Trigonocerous Definition Having horns with three angles, like those of some species of goats.
- English Word Trigonometric Definition Alt. of Trigonometrical
- English Word Trigonometrical Definition Of or pertaining to trigonometry; performed by the rules of trigonometry.
- English Word Trigonometry Definition That branch of mathematics which treats of the relations of the sides and angles of triangles, which the methods of deducing from certain given parts other required parts, and also of the general relations which exist between the trigonometrical functions of arcs or angles.
- English Word Trigonometry Definition A treatise in this science.
- English Word Trigonous Definition Same as Trigonal.
- English Word Trigram Definition Same as Trigraph.
- English Word Trigrammatic Definition Containing three letters or characters, or three sets of letters or characters.
- English Word Trigrammic Definition Same as Trigrammatic.
- English Word Trigraph Definition Three letters united in pronunciation so as to have but one sound, or to form but one syllable, as -ieu in adieu; a triphthong.
- English Word Trigyn Definition Any one of the Trigynia.
- English Word Trigynia Definition A Linnaean order of plants having three pistils or styles.
- English Word Trigynian Definition Alt. of Trigynous
- English Word Trigynous Definition Having three pistils or styles; of or pertaining to the Trigynia.
- English Word Trihedral Definition Having three sides or faces; thus, a trihedral angle is a solid angle bounded by three plane angles.
- English Word Trihedron Definition A figure having three sides.