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- English Word Tridacna Definition A genus of very large marine bivalve shells found on the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. One species (T. gigas) often weighs four or five hundred pounds, and is sometimes used for baptismal fonts. Called also paw shell, and fountain shell.
- English Word Tridactyl Definition Alt. of Tridactyle
- English Word Tridactyle Definition Having three fingers or toes, or composed of three movable parts attached to a common base.
- English Word Tridactylous Definition Tridactyl.
- English Word Triddler Definition The jacksnipe.
- English Word Tride Definition Short and ready; fleet; as, a tride pace; -- a term used by sportsmen.
- English Word Tridecane Definition A hydrocarbon, C13H28, of the methane series, which is a probable ingredient both of crude petroleum and of kerosene, and is produced artificially as a light colorless liquid.
- English Word Tridecatoic Definition Of, pertaining to, or designating, that acid of the fatty acids heterologous with tridecane. It is a white crystalline substance.
- English Word Tridecatylene Definition A hydrocarbon, C13H26, of the ethylene series, corresponding to tridecane, and obtained from Burmah petroleum as a light colorless liquid; -- called also tridecylene, and tridecene.
- English Word Trident Definition A kind of scepter or spear with three prongs, -- the common attribute of Neptune.
- English Word Trident Definition A three-pronged spear or goad, used for urging horses; also, the weapon used by one class of gladiators.
- English Word Trident Definition A three-pronged fish spear.
- English Word Trident Definition A curve of third order, having three infinite branches in one direction and a fourth infinite branch in the opposite direction.
- English Word Trident Definition Having three teeth or prongs; tridentate.
- English Word Tridentate Definition Alt. of Tridentated
- English Word Tridentated Definition Having three teeth; three-toothed.
- English Word Tridented Definition Having three prongs; trident; tridentate; as, a tridented mace.
- English Word Tridentiferous Definition Bearing a trident.
- English Word Tridentine Definition Of or pertaining to Trent, or the general church council held in that city.
- English Word Tridiapason Definition A triple octave, or twenty-second.
- English Word Tridimensional Definition Having three dimensions; extended in three different directions.
- English Word Triding Definition A riding. See Trithing.
- English Word Triduan Definition Lasting three lays; also, happening every third day.
- English Word Tridymite Definition Pure silica, like quartz, but crystallizing in hexagonal tables. It is found in trachyte and similar rocks.
- English Word Tried Definition imp. & p. p. of Try.
- English Word Tried Definition Proved; tested; faithful; trustworthy; as, a tried friend.
- English Word tried Definition of Try
- English Word Triedral Definition See Trihedral.
- English Word Triennial Definition Continuing three years; as, triennial parliaments; a triennial reign.
- English Word Triennial Definition Happening, coming about, or appearing once in every three years; as, triennial elections; a triennial catalogue; a triennial visitation.