TPage 240
- English Word Triennial Definition Something which takes place or appears once in three years.
- English Word Triennially Definition Once in three years.
- English Word Triens Definition A Roman copper coin, equal to one third of the as. See 3d As, 2.
- English Word Trier Definition One who tries; one who makes experiments; one who examines anything by a test or standard.
- English Word Trier Definition One who tries judicially.
- English Word Trier Definition A person appointed according to law to try challenges of jurors; a trior.
- English Word Trier Definition That which tries or approves; a test.
- English Word Trierarch Definition The commander of a trireme.
- English Word Trierarch Definition At Athens, one who (singly, or jointly with other citizens) had to fit out a trireme for the public service.
- English Word Trierarchises Definition of Trierarchy
- English Word Trierarchy Definition The office duty of a trierarch.
- English Word Trieterical Definition Kept or occurring once in three years; triennial.
- English Word Trieterics Definition Festival games celebrated once in three years.
- English Word Triethylamine Definition A tertiary amine analogous to trimethylamine.
- English Word Trifacial Definition See Trigeminal.
- English Word Trifallow Definition To plow the third time before sowing, as land.
- English Word Trifallowed Definition of Trifallow
- English Word Trifallowing Definition of Trifallow
- English Word Trifarious Definition Facing three ways; arranged in three vertical ranks, as the leaves of veratrum.
- English Word Trifasciated Definition Having, or surrounded by, three fasciae, or bands.
- English Word Trifid Definition Cleft to the middle, or slightly beyond the middle, into three parts; three-cleft.
- English Word Trifistulary Definition Having three pipes.
- English Word Trifle Definition A thing of very little value or importance; a paltry, or trivial, affair.
- English Word Trifle Definition A dish composed of sweetmeats, fruits, cake, wine, etc., with syllabub poured over it.
- English Word Trifle Definition To act or talk without seriousness, gravity, weight, or dignity; to act or talk with levity; to indulge in light or trivial amusements.
- English Word Trifle Definition To make of no importance; to treat as a trifle.
- English Word Trifle Definition To spend in vanity; to fritter away; to waste; as, to trifle away money.
- English Word Trifled Definition of Trifle
- English Word Trifler Definition One who trifles.
- English Word Trifling Definition of Trifle