TPage 143
- English Word Timpani Definition of Timpano
- English Word Timpano Definition See Tympano.
- English Word Tin Definition An elementary substance found as an oxide in the mineral cassiterite, and reduced as a soft white crystalline metal, malleable at ordinary temperatures, but brittle when heated. It is not easily oxidized in the air, and is used chiefly to coat iron to protect it from rusting, in the form of tin foil with mercury to form the reflective surface of mirrors, and in solder, bronze, speculum metal, and other alloys. Its compounds are designated as stannous, or stannic. Symbol Sn (Stannum). Atomic weight 117.4.
- English Word Tin Definition Thin plates of iron covered with tin; tin plate.
- English Word Tin Definition Money.
- English Word Tin Definition To cover with tin or tinned iron, or to overlay with tin foil.
- English Word Tinamides Definition A division of struthious birds, including the tinamous.
- English Word Tinamou Definition Any one of several species of South American birds belonging to Tinamus and allied genera.
- English Word Tincal Definition Crude native borax, formerly imported from Thibet. It was once the chief source of boric compounds. Cf. Borax.
- English Word Tinchel Definition A circle of sportsmen, who, by surrounding an extensive space and gradually closing in, bring a number of deer and game within a narrow compass.
- English Word Tinct Definition Tined; tinged.
- English Word Tinct Definition Color; tinge; tincture; tint.
- English Word Tinct Definition To color or stain; to imblue; to tint.
- English Word Tinctorial Definition Of or relating to color or colors; imparting a color; as, tinctorial matter.
- English Word Tincture Definition A tinge or shade of color; a tint; as, a tincture of red.
- English Word Tincture Definition One of the metals, colors, or furs used in armory.
- English Word Tincture Definition The finer and more volatile parts of a substance, separated by a solvent; an extract of a part of the substance of a body communicated to the solvent.
- English Word Tincture Definition A solution (commonly colored) of medicinal substance in alcohol, usually more or less diluted; spirit containing medicinal substances in solution.
- English Word Tincture Definition A slight taste superadded to any substance; as, a tincture of orange peel.
- English Word Tincture Definition A slight quality added to anything; a tinge; as, a tincture of French manners.
- English Word Tincture Definition To communicate a slight foreign color to; to tinge; to impregnate with some extraneous matter.
- English Word Tincture Definition To imbue the mind of; to communicate a portion of anything foreign to; to tinge.
- English Word Tinctured Definition of Tincture
- English Word Tincturing Definition of Tincture
- English Word Tind Definition To kindle.
- English Word Tindal Definition A petty officer among lascars, or native East Indian sailors; a boatswain's mate; a cockswain.
- English Word Tindal Definition An attendant on an army.
- English Word Tinder Definition Something very inflammable, used for kindling fire from a spark, as scorched linen.
- English Word Tine Definition Trouble; distress; teen.
- English Word Tine Definition To kindle; to set on fire.