TPage 142
- English Word Timely Definition Being or occurring in good time; sufficiently early; seasonable.
- English Word Timely Definition Keeping time or measure.
- English Word Timely Definition Early; soon; in good season.
- English Word Timenoguy Definition A rope carried taut between or over obstacles likely to engage or foul the running rigging in working a ship.
- English Word Timeous Definition Timely; seasonable.
- English Word Timepiece Definition A clock, watch, or other instrument, to measure or show the progress of time; a chronometer.
- English Word Timepleaser Definition One who complies with prevailing opinions, whatever they may be; a timeserver.
- English Word Timer Definition A timekeeper; especially, a watch by which small intervals of time can be measured; a kind of stop watch. It is used for timing the speed of horses, machinery, etc.
- English Word Times Definition of Time
- English Word Timesaving Definition Saving time; as, a timesaving expedient.
- English Word Timeserver Definition One who adapts his opinions and manners to the times; one who obsequiously compiles with the ruling power; -- now used only in a bad sense.
- English Word Timeserving Definition Obsequiously complying with the spirit of the times, or the humors of those in power.
- English Word Timeserving Definition An obsequious compliance with the spirit of the times, or the humors of those in power, which implies a surrender of one's independence, and sometimes of one's integrity.
- English Word Timid Definition Wanting courage to meet danger; easily frightened; timorous; not bold; fearful; shy.
- English Word Timidity Definition The quality or state of being timid; timorousness; timidness.
- English Word Timidous Definition Timid.
- English Word Timing Definition of Time
- English Word Timist Definition A performer who keeps good time.
- English Word Timist Definition A timeserver.
- English Word Timmer Definition Same as 1st Timber.
- English Word Timocracy Definition A state in which the love of honor is the ruling motive.
- English Word Timocracy Definition A state in which honors are distributed according to a rating of property.
- English Word Timocratic Definition Belonging to, or constituted by, timocracy.
- English Word Timoneer Definition A helmsman.
- English Word Timorous Definition Fearful of danger; timid; deficient in courage.
- English Word Timorous Definition Indicating, or caused by, fear; as, timorous doubts.
- English Word Timorsome Definition Easily frightened; timorous.
- English Word Timothy Definition Alt. of Timothy grass
- English Word Timothy grass Definition A kind of grass (Phleum pratense) with long cylindrical spikes; -- called also herd's grass, in England, cat's-tail grass, and meadow cat's-tail grass. It is much prized for fodder. See Illustration in Appendix.
- English Word Timous Definition Timely; seasonable.