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  • English Word Time Definition A proper time; a season; an opportunity.
  • English Word Time Definition Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition.
  • English Word Time Definition Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition; addition of a number to itself; repetition; as, to double cloth four times; four times four, or sixteen.
  • English Word Time Definition The present life; existence in this world as contrasted with immortal life; definite, as contrasted with infinite, duration.
  • English Word Time Definition Tense.
  • English Word Time Definition The measured duration of sounds; measure; tempo; rate of movement; rhythmical division; as, common or triple time; the musician keeps good time.
  • English Word Time Definition To appoint the time for; to bring, begin, or perform at the proper season or time; as, he timed his appearance rightly.
  • English Word Time Definition To regulate as to time; to accompany, or agree with, in time of movement.
  • English Word Time Definition To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of; as, to time the speed of horses, or hours for workmen.
  • English Word Time Definition To measure, as in music or harmony.
  • English Word Time Definition To keep or beat time; to proceed or move in time.
  • English Word Time Definition To pass time; to delay.
  • English Word Time-honored Definition Honored for a long time; venerable, and worthy of honor, by reason of antiquity, or long continuance.
  • English Word Time-table Definition A tabular statement of the time at which, or within which, several things are to take place, as the recitations in a school, the departure and arrival of railroad trains or other public conveyances, the rise and fall of the tides, etc.
  • English Word Time-table Definition A plane surface divided in one direction with lines representing hours and minutes, and in the other with lines representing miles, and having diagonals (usually movable strings) representing the speed and position of various trains.
  • English Word Time-table Definition A table showing the notation, length, or duration of the several notes.
  • English Word Timed Definition of Time
  • English Word Timeful Definition Seasonable; timely; sufficiently early.
  • English Word Timekeeper Definition A clock, watch, or other chronometer; a timepiece.
  • English Word Timekeeper Definition A person who keeps, marks, regulates, or determines the time.
  • English Word Timekeeper Definition A person who keeps a record of the time spent by workmen at their work.
  • English Word Timekeeper Definition One who gives the time for the departure of conveyances.
  • English Word Timekeeper Definition One who marks the time in musical performances.
  • English Word Timekeeper Definition One appointed to mark and declare the time of participants in races or other contests.
  • English Word Timeless Definition Done at an improper time; unseasonable; untimely.
  • English Word Timeless Definition Done or occurring before the proper time; premature; immature; as, a timeless grave.
  • English Word Timeless Definition Having no end; interminable; unending.
  • English Word Timelessly Definition In a timeless manner; unseasonably.
  • English Word Timeliness Definition The quality or state of being timely; seasonableness; opportuneness.
  • English Word Timeling Definition A timeserver.