SPage 709
- English Word Synclinorium Definition A mountain range owing its origin to the progress of a geosynclinal, and ending in a catastrophe of displacement and upturning.
- English Word Syncopal Definition Of or pertaining to syncope; resembling syncope.
- English Word Syncopate Definition To contract, as a word, by taking one or more letters or syllables from the middle; as, "Gloster" is a syncopated form of "Gloucester."
- English Word Syncopate Definition To commence, as a tone, on an unaccented part of a measure, and continue it into the following accented part, so that the accent is driven back upon the weak part and the rhythm drags.
- English Word Syncopated Definition of Syncopate
- English Word Syncopating Definition of Syncopate
- English Word Syncopation Definition The act of syncopating; the contraction of a word by taking one or more letters or syllables from the middle; syncope.
- English Word Syncopation Definition The act of syncopating; a peculiar figure of rhythm, or rhythmical alteration, which consists in welding into one tone the second half of one beat with the first half of the beat which follows.
- English Word Syncope Definition An elision or retrenchment of one or more letters or syllables from the middle of a word; as, ne'er for never, ev'ry for every.
- English Word Syncope Definition Same as Syncopation.
- English Word Syncope Definition A fainting, or swooning. See Fainting.
- English Word Syncope Definition A pause or cessation; suspension.
- English Word Syncopist Definition One who syncopates.
- English Word Syncopize Definition To syncopate.
- English Word Syncotyledonous Definition Having united cotyledonous.
- English Word Syncretic Definition Uniting and blending together different systems, as of philosophy, morals, or religion.
- English Word Syncretism Definition Attempted union of principles or parties irreconcilably at variance with each other.
- English Word Syncretist Definition One who attempts to unite principles or parties which are irreconcilably at variance;
- English Word Syncretist Definition an adherent of George Calixtus and other Germans of the seventeenth century, who sought to unite or reconcile the Protestant sects with each other and with the Roman Catholics, and thus occasioned a long and violent controversy in the Lutheran church.
- English Word Syncretistic Definition Pertaining to, or characterized by, syncretism; as, a syncretistic mixture of the service of Jehovah and the worship of idols.
- English Word Syncretistic Definition Of or pertaining to Syncretists.
- English Word Syncrisis Definition A figure of speech in which opposite things or persons are compared.
- English Word Syncytium Definition Tissue in which the cell or partition walls are wholly wanting and the cell bodies fused together, so that the tissue consists of a continuous mass of protoplasm in which nuclei are imbedded, as in ordinary striped muscle.
- English Word Syncytium Definition The ectoderm of a sponge.
- English Word Syndactyle Definition Any bird having syndactilous feet.
- English Word Syndactylic Definition Syndactilous.
- English Word Syndactylous Definition Having the toes firmly united together for some distance, and without an intermediate web, as the kingfishers; gressorial.
- English Word Syndesmography Definition A description of the ligaments; syndesmology.
- English Word Syndesmology Definition That part of anatomy which treats of ligaments.
- English Word Syndesmoses Definition of Syndesmosis