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  • English Word Symphysis Definition The union or coalescence of bones; also, the place of union or coalescence; as, the symphysis of the lower jaw. Cf. Articulation.
  • English Word Symphysotomy Definition Symphyseotomy.
  • English Word Symphytism Definition Coalescence; a growing into one with another word.
  • English Word Sympiesometer Definition A sensitive kind of barometer, in which the pressure of the atmosphere, acting upon a liquid, as oil, in the lower portion of the instrument, compresses an elastic gas in the upper part.
  • English Word Symplectic Definition Plaiting or joining together; -- said of a bone next above the quadrate in the mandibular suspensorium of many fishes, which unites together the other bones of the suspensorium.
  • English Word Symplectic Definition The symplectic bone.
  • English Word Symploce Definition The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning and another at the end of successive clauses; as, Justice came down from heaven to view the earth; Justice returned to heaven, and left the earth.
  • English Word Sympode Definition A sympodium.
  • English Word Sympodia Definition of Sympodium
  • English Word Sympodial Definition Composed of superposed branches in such a way as to imitate a simple axis; as, a sympodial stem.
  • English Word Sympodium Definition An axis or stem produced by dichotomous branching in which one of the branches is regularly developed at the expense of the other, as in the grapevine.
  • English Word Symposia Definition of Symposium
  • English Word Symposiac Definition Of or pertaining to compotations and merrymaking; happening where company is drinking together; as, symposiac meetings.
  • English Word Symposiac Definition A conference or conversation of philosophers at a banquet; hence, any similar gathering.
  • English Word Symposiarch Definition The master of a feast.
  • English Word Symposiast Definition One engaged with others at a banquet or merrymaking.
  • English Word Symposion Definition A drinking together; a symposium.
  • English Word Symposium Definition A drinking together; a merry feast.
  • English Word Symposium Definition A collection of short essays by different authors on a common topic; -- so called from the appellation given to the philosophical dialogue by the Greeks.
  • English Word Symptom Definition Any affection which accompanies disease; a perceptible change in the body or its functions, which indicates disease, or the kind or phases of disease; as, the causes of disease often lie beyond our sight, but we learn their nature by the symptoms exhibited.
  • English Word Symptom Definition A sign or token; that which indicates the existence of something else; as, corruption in elections is a symptom of the decay of public virtue.
  • English Word Symptomatic Definition Alt. of Symptomatical
  • English Word Symptomatical Definition Of or pertaining to symptoms; happening in concurrence with something; being a symptom; indicating the existence of something else.
  • English Word Symptomatical Definition According to symptoms; as, a symptomatical classification of diseases.
  • English Word Symptomatology Definition The doctrine of symptoms; that part of the science of medicine which treats of the symptoms of diseases; semeiology.
  • English Word Syn- Definition A prefix meaning with, along with, together, at the same time. Syn- becomes sym- before p, b, and m, and syl- before l.
  • English Word Synacme Definition Alt. of Synacmy
  • English Word Synacmy Definition Same as Synanthesis.
  • English Word Synaeresis Definition Alt. of Syneresis
  • English Word Synagogical Definition Of or pertaining to a synagogue.