SPage 707
- English Word Synagogue Definition A congregation or assembly of Jews met for the purpose of worship, or the performance of religious rites.
- English Word Synagogue Definition The building or place appropriated to the religious worship of the Jews.
- English Word Synagogue Definition The council of, probably, 120 members among the Jews, first appointed after the return from the Babylonish captivity; -- called also the Great Synagogue, and sometimes, though erroneously, the Sanhedrin.
- English Word Synagogue Definition A congregation in the early Christian church.
- English Word Synagogue Definition Any assembly of men.
- English Word Synalepha Definition A contraction of syllables by suppressing some vowel or diphthong at the end of a word, before another vowel or diphthong; as, th' army, for the army.
- English Word Synallagmatic Definition Imposing reciprocal obligations upon the parties; as, a synallagmatic contract.
- English Word Synallaxine Definition Having the outer and middle toes partially united; -- said of certain birds related to the creepers.
- English Word Synaloepha Definition Same as Synalepha.
- English Word Synangia Definition of Synangium
- English Word Synangium Definition The divided part beyond the pylangium in the aortic trunk of the amphibian heart.
- English Word Synantherous Definition Having the stamens united by their anthers; as, synantherous flowers.
- English Word Synanthesis Definition The simultaneous maturity of the anthers and stigmas of a blossom.
- English Word Synanthous Definition Having flowers and leaves which appear at the same time; -- said of certain plants.
- English Word Synanthrose Definition A variety of sugar, isomeric with sucrose, found in the tubers of the Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), in the dahlia, and other Compositae.
- English Word Synapta Definition A genus of slender, transparent holothurians which have delicate calcareous anchors attached to the dermal plates. See Illustration in Appendix.
- English Word Synaptase Definition A ferment resembling diastase, found in bitter almonds. Cf. Amygdalin, and Emulsin.
- English Word Synapticula Definition One of numerous calcareous processes which extend between, and unite, the adjacent septa of certain corals, especially of the fungian corals.
- English Word Synapticulae Definition of Synapticula
- English Word Synarchy Definition Joint rule or sovereignity.
- English Word Synartesis Definition A fastening or knitting together; the state of being closely jointed; close union.
- English Word Synarthrodia Definition Synarthrosis.
- English Word Synarthroses Definition of Synarthrosis
- English Word Synarthrosis Definition Immovable articulation by close union, as in sutures. It sometimes includes symphysial articulations also. See the Note under Articulation, n., 1.
- English Word Synastry Definition Concurrence of starry position or influence; hence, similarity of condition, fortune, etc., as prefigured by astrological calculation.
- English Word Synaxis Definition A congregation; also, formerly, the Lord's Supper.
- English Word Syncarp Definition A kind of aggregate fruit in which the ovaries cohere in a solid mass, with a slender receptacle, as in the magnolia; also, a similar multiple fruit, as a mulberry.
- English Word Syncarpia Definition of Syncarpium
- English Word Syncarpium Definition Same as Syncarp.
- English Word Syncarpous Definition Composed of several carpels consolidated into one ovary.