SPage 624
- English Word Sucker Definition To strip off the suckers or shoots from; to deprive of suckers; as, to sucker maize.
- English Word Sucker Definition To form suckers; as, corn suckers abundantly.
- English Word Suckered Definition of Sucker
- English Word Suckering Definition of Sucker
- English Word Sucket Definition A sweetmeat; a dainty morsel.
- English Word Suckfish Definition A sucker fish.
- English Word Sucking Definition of Suck
- English Word Sucking Definition Drawing milk from the mother or dam; hence, colloquially, young, inexperienced, as, a sucking infant; a sucking calf.
- English Word Suckle Definition A teat.
- English Word Suckle Definition To give suck to; to nurse at the breast.
- English Word Suckle Definition To nurse; to suck.
- English Word Suckled Definition of Suckle
- English Word Suckler Definition An animal that suckles its young; a mammal.
- English Word Suckling Definition of Suckle
- English Word Suckling Definition A young child or animal nursed at the breast.
- English Word Suckling Definition A small kind of yellow clover (Trifolium filiforme) common in Southern Europe.
- English Word Sucrate Definition A compound of sucrose (or of some related carbohydrate) with some base, after the analogy of a salt; as, sodium sucrate.
- English Word Sucre Definition A silver coin of Ecuador, worth 68 cents.
- English Word Sucrose Definition A common variety of sugar found in the juices of many plants, as the sugar cane, sorghum, sugar maple, beet root, etc. It is extracted as a sweet, white crystalline substance which is valuable as a food product, and, being antiputrescent, is largely used in the preservation of fruit. Called also saccharose, cane sugar, etc. By extension, any one of the class of isomeric substances (as lactose, maltose, etc.) of which sucrose proper is the type.
- English Word Suction Definition The act or process of sucking; the act of drawing, as fluids, by exhausting the air.
- English Word Suctoria Definition An order of Infusoria having the body armed with somewhat stiff, tubular processes which they use as suckers in obtaining their food. They are usually stalked.
- English Word Suctoria Definition Same as Rhizocephala.
- English Word Suctorial Definition Adapted for sucking; living by sucking; as, the humming birds are suctorial birds.
- English Word Suctorial Definition Capable of adhering by suction; as, the suctorial fishes.
- English Word Suctorian Definition A cartilaginous fish with a mouth adapted for suction, as the lampery.
- English Word Suctorian Definition One of the Suctoria.
- English Word Suctorious Definition Suctorial.
- English Word Sudamina Definition Minute vesicles surrounded by an area of reddened skin, produced by excessive sweating.
- English Word Sudarium Definition The handkerchief upon which the Savior is said to have impressed his own portrait miraculously, when wiping his face with it, as he passed to the crucifixion.
- English Word Sudary Definition A napkin or handkerchief.