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  • English Word Stereotomic Definition Alt. of Stereotomical
  • English Word Stereotomical Definition Of or pertaining to stereotomy; performed by stereotomy.
  • English Word Stereotomy Definition The science or art of cutting solids into certain figures or sections, as arches, and the like; especially, the art of stonecutting.
  • English Word Stereotype Definition A plate forming an exact faximile of a page of type or of an engraving, used in printing books, etc.; specifically, a plate with type-metal face, used for printing.
  • English Word Stereotype Definition The art or process of making such plates, or of executing work by means of them.
  • English Word Stereotype Definition To prepare for printing in stereotype; to make the stereotype plates of; as, to stereotype the Bible.
  • English Word Stereotype Definition Fig.: To make firm or permanent; to fix.
  • English Word Stereotyped Definition of Stereotype
  • English Word Stereotyped Definition Formed into, or printed from, stereotype plates.
  • English Word Stereotyped Definition Fig.: Formed in a fixed, unchangeable manner; as, stereotyped opinions.
  • English Word Stereotyper Definition One who stereotypes; one who makes stereotype plates, or works in a stereotype foundry.
  • English Word Stereotypery Definition The art, process, or employment of making stereotype plates.
  • English Word Stereotypery Definition A place where stereotype plates are made; a stereotype foundry.
  • English Word Stereotypic Definition Of or pertaining to stereotype, or stereotype plates.
  • English Word Stereotyping Definition of Stereotype
  • English Word Stereotypist Definition A stereotyper.
  • English Word Stereotypographer Definition A stereotype printer.
  • English Word Stereotypography Definition The act or art of printing from stereotype plates.
  • English Word Stereotypy Definition The art or process of making stereotype plates.
  • English Word Sterhydraulic Definition Pertaining to, or designating, a kind of hydraulic press; resembling such a press in action or principle.
  • English Word Sterile Definition Producing little or no crop; barren; unfruitful; unproductive; not fertile; as, sterile land; a sterile desert; a sterile year.
  • English Word Sterile Definition Incapable of reproduction; unfitted for reproduction of offspring; not able to germinate or bear fruit; unfruitful; as, a sterile flower, which bears only stamens.
  • English Word Sterile Definition Free from reproductive spores or germs; as, a sterile fluid.
  • English Word Sterile Definition Fig.: Barren of ideas; destitute of sentiment; as, a sterile production or author.
  • English Word Sterility Definition The quality or condition of being sterile.
  • English Word Sterility Definition Quality of being sterile; infecundity; also, the state of being free from germs or spores.
  • English Word Sterilization Definition The act or process of sterilizing, or rendering sterile; also, the state of being sterile.
  • English Word Sterilize Definition To make sterile or unproductive; to impoverish, as land; to exhaust of fertility.
  • English Word Sterilize Definition To deprive of the power of reproducing; to render incapable of germination or fecundation; to make sterile.
  • English Word Sterilize Definition To destroy all spores or germs in (an organic fluid or mixture), as by heat, so as to prevent the development of bacterial or other organisms.