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  • English Word Sterelmintha Definition Same as Platyelminthes.
  • English Word Stereo- Definition A combining form meaning solid, hard, firm, as in stereo-chemistry, stereography.
  • English Word Stereo-chemic Definition Alt. of Stereo-chemical
  • English Word Stereo-chemical Definition Pertaining to, or illustrating, the hypothetical space relations of atoms in the molecule; as, a stereo-chemic formula.
  • English Word Stereo-chemistry Definition Chemistry considered with reference to the space relations of atoms.
  • English Word Stereobate Definition The lower part or basement of a building or pedestal; -- used loosely for several different forms of basement.
  • English Word Stereochrome Definition Stereochromic picture.
  • English Word Stereochromic Definition Pertaining to the art of stereochromy; produced by stereochromy.
  • English Word Stereochromy Definition A style of painting on plastered walls or stone, in which the colors are rendered permanent by sprinklings of water, in which is mixed a proportion of soluble glass (a silicate of soda).
  • English Word Stereoelectric Definition Of or pertaining to the generation of electricity by means of solid bodies alone; as, a stereoelectric current is one obtained by means of solids, without any liquid.
  • English Word Stereogram Definition A diagram or picture which represents objects in such a way as to give the impression of relief or solidity; also, a stereograph.
  • English Word Stereograph Definition Any picture, or pair of pictures, prepared for exhibition in the stereoscope. Stereographs are now commonly made by means of photography.
  • English Word Stereographic Definition Alt. of Stereographical
  • English Word Stereographical Definition Made or done according to the rules of stereography; delineated on a plane; as, a stereographic chart of the earth.
  • English Word Stereographically Definition In a stereographical manner; by delineation on a plane.
  • English Word Stereography Definition The art of delineating the forms of solid bodies on a plane; a branch of solid geometry which shows the construction of all solids which are regularly defined.
  • English Word Stereometer Definition An instrument for measuring the solid contents of a body, or the capacity of a vessel; a volumenometer.
  • English Word Stereometer Definition An instrument for determining the specific gravity of liquid bodies, porous bodies, and powders, as well as solids.
  • English Word Stereometric Definition Alt. of Stereometrical
  • English Word Stereometrical Definition Of or pertaining to stereometry; performed or obtained by stereometry.
  • English Word Stereometry Definition The art of measuring and computing the cubical contents of bodies and figures; -- distinguished from planimetry.
  • English Word Stereomonoscope Definition An instrument with two lenses, by which an image of a single picture projected upon a screen of ground glass is made to present an appearance of relief, and may be viewed by several persons at once.
  • English Word Stereoplasm Definition The solid or insoluble portion of the cell protoplasm. See Hygroplasm.
  • English Word Stereopticon Definition An instrument, consisting essentially of a magic lantern in which photographic pictures are used, by which the image of a landscape, or any object, may be thrown upon a screen in such a manner as to seem to stand out in relief, so as to form a striking and accurate representation of the object itself; also, a pair of magic lanterns for producing the effect of dissolving views.
  • English Word Stereoscope Definition An optical instrument for giving to pictures the appearance of solid forms, as seen in nature. It combines in one, through a bending of the rays of light, two pictures, taken for the purpose from points of view a little way apart. It is furnished with two eyeglasses, and by refraction or reflection the pictures are superimposed, so as to appear as one to the observer.
  • English Word Stereoscopic Definition Alt. of Stereoscopical
  • English Word Stereoscopical Definition Of or pertaining to the stereoscope; characteristic of, or adapted to, the stereoscope; as, a stereoscopic effect; the stereoscopic function of the eyeglasses; stereoscopic views.
  • English Word Stereoscopist Definition One skilled in the use or construction of stereoscopes.
  • English Word Stereoscopy Definition The art or science of using the stereoscope, or of constructing the instrument or the views used with it.
  • English Word Stereostatic Definition Geostatic.