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  • English Word Stethograph Definition See Pneumatograph.
  • English Word Stethometer Definition An apparatus for measuring the external movements of a given point of the chest wall, during respiration; -- also called thoracometer.
  • English Word Stethoscope Definition An instrument used in auscultation for examining the organs of the chest, as the heart and lungs, by conveying to the ear of the examiner the sounds produced in the thorax.
  • English Word Stethoscope Definition To auscultate, or examine, with a stethoscope.
  • English Word Stethoscopic Definition Alt. of Stethoscopical
  • English Word Stethoscopical Definition Of or pertaining to a stethoscope; obtained or made by means of a stethoscope.
  • English Word Stethoscopist Definition One skilled in the use of the stethoscope.
  • English Word Stethoscopy Definition The art or process of examination by the stethoscope.
  • English Word Stetted Definition of Stet
  • English Word Stetting Definition of Stet
  • English Word Steve Definition To pack or stow, as cargo in a ship's hold. See Steeve.
  • English Word Stevedore Definition One whose occupation is to load and unload vessels in port; one who stows a cargo in a hold.
  • English Word Steven Definition Voice; speech; language.
  • English Word Steven Definition An outcry; a loud call; a clamor.
  • English Word Stew Definition A small pond or pool where fish are kept for the table; a vivarium.
  • English Word Stew Definition An artificial bed of oysters.
  • English Word Stew Definition To boil slowly, or with the simmering or moderate heat; to seethe; to cook in a little liquid, over a gentle fire, without boiling; as, to stew meat; to stew oysters; to stew apples.
  • English Word Stew Definition To be seethed or cooked in a slow, gentle manner, or in heat and moisture.
  • English Word Stew Definition A place of stewing or seething; a place where hot bathes are furnished; a hothouse.
  • English Word Stew Definition A brothel; -- usually in the plural.
  • English Word Stew Definition A prostitute.
  • English Word Stew Definition A dish prepared by stewing; as, a stewof pigeons.
  • English Word Stew Definition A state of agitating excitement; a state of worry; confusion; as, to be in a stew.
  • English Word Steward Definition A man employed in a large family, or on a large estate, to manage the domestic concerns, supervise other servants, collect the rents or income, keep accounts, and the like.
  • English Word Steward Definition A person employed in a hotel, or a club, or on board a ship, to provide for the table, superintend the culinary affairs, etc. In naval vessels, the captain's steward, wardroom steward, steerage steward, warrant officers steward, etc., are petty officers who provide for the messes under their charge.
  • English Word Steward Definition A fiscal agent of certain bodies; as, a steward in a Methodist church.
  • English Word Steward Definition In some colleges, an officer who provides food for the students and superintends the kitchen; also, an officer who attends to the accounts of the students.
  • English Word Steward Definition In Scotland, a magistrate appointed by the crown to exercise jurisdiction over royal lands.
  • English Word Steward Definition To manage as a steward.
  • English Word Stewardess Definition A female steward; specifically, a woman employed in passenger vessels to attend to the wants of female passengers.