SPage 160
- English Word Senate Definition The governing body of the Universities of Cambridge and London.
- English Word Senate Definition In some American colleges, a council of elected students, presided over by the president of the college, to which are referred cases of discipline and matters of general concern affecting the students.
- English Word Senator Definition A member of a senate.
- English Word Senator Definition A member of the king's council; a king's councilor.
- English Word Senatorial Definition Of or pertaining to a senator, or a senate; becoming to a senator, or a senate; as, senatorial duties; senatorial dignity.
- English Word Senatorial Definition Entitled to elect a senator, or by senators; as, the senatorial districts of a State.
- English Word Senatorially Definition In a senatorial manner.
- English Word Senatorian Definition Senatorial.
- English Word Senatorious Definition Senatorial.
- English Word Senatorship Definition The office or dignity of a senator.
- English Word Senatusconsult Definition A decree of the Roman senate.
- English Word Send Definition To cause to go in any manner; to dispatch; to commission or direct to go; as, to send a messenger.
- English Word Send Definition To give motion to; to cause to be borne or carried; to procure the going, transmission, or delivery of; as, to send a message.
- English Word Send Definition To emit; to impel; to cast; to throw; to hurl; as, to send a ball, an arrow, or the like.
- English Word Send Definition To cause to be or to happen; to bestow; to inflict; to grant; -- sometimes followed by a dependent proposition.
- English Word Send Definition To dispatch an agent or messenger to convey a message, or to do an errand.
- English Word Send Definition To pitch; as, the ship sends forward so violently as to endanger her masts.
- English Word Send Definition The impulse of a wave by which a vessel is carried bodily.
- English Word Sendal Definition A light thin stuff of silk.
- English Word Sender Definition One who sends.
- English Word Sending Definition of Send
- English Word Senecas Definition A tribe of Indians who formerly inhabited a part of Western New York. This tribe was the most numerous and most warlike of the Five Nations.
- English Word Senecio Definition A very large genus of composite plants including the groundsel and the golden ragwort.
- English Word Senectitude Definition Old age.
- English Word Senega Definition Seneca root.
- English Word Senegal Definition Gum senegal. See under Gum.
- English Word Senegin Definition A substance extracted from the rootstock of the Polygala Senega (Seneca root), and probably identical with polygalic acid.
- English Word Senescence Definition The state of growing old; decay by time.
- English Word Senescent Definition Growing old; decaying with the lapse of time.
- English Word Seneschal Definition An officer in the houses of princes and dignitaries, in the Middle Ages, who had the superintendence of feasts and domestic ceremonies; a steward. Sometimes the seneschal had the dispensing of justice, and was given high military commands.