SPage 157
- English Word Semiotic Definition Of or pertaining to the signs or symptoms of diseases.
- English Word Semiotic Definition Same as Semeiotic.
- English Word Semiotics Definition Semeiology.
- English Word Semiotics Definition Same as Semeiotics.
- English Word Semious Definition Of or pertaining to the Sim/; monkeylike.
- English Word Semioval Definition Half oval.
- English Word Semiovate Definition Half ovate.
- English Word Semioxygenated Definition Combined with oxygen only in part.
- English Word Semipagan Definition Half pagan.
- English Word Semipalmate Definition Alt. of Semipalmated
- English Word Semipalmated Definition Having the anterior toes joined only part way down with a web; half-webbed; as, a semipalmate bird or foot. See Illust. k under Aves.
- English Word Semiparabola Definition One branch of a parabola, being terminated at the principal vertex of the curve.
- English Word Semiped Definition A half foot in poetry.
- English Word Semipedal Definition Containing a half foot.
- English Word Semipellucid Definition Half clear, or imperfectly transparent; as, a semipellucid gem.
- English Word Semipellucidity Definition The qualiti or state of being imperfectly transparent.
- English Word Semipenniform Definition Half or partially penniform; as, a semipenniform muscle.
- English Word Semiperspicuous Definition Half transparent; imperfectly clear; semipellucid.
- English Word Semiphlogisticated Definition Partially impregnated with phlogiston.
- English Word Semiplume Definition A feather which has a plumelike web, with the shaft of an ordinary feather.
- English Word Semiprecious Definition Somewhat precious; as, semiprecious stones or metals.
- English Word Semiproof Definition Half proof; evidence from the testimony of a single witness.
- English Word Semiquadrate Definition Alt. of Semiquartile
- English Word Semiquartile Definition An aspect of the planets when distant from each other the half of a quadrant, or forty-five degrees, or one sign and a half.
- English Word Semiquaver Definition A note of half the duration of the quaver; -- now usually called a sixsteenth note.
- English Word Semiquintile Definition An aspect of the planets when distant from each other half of the quintile, or thirty-six degrees.
- English Word Semirecondite Definition Half hidden or half covered; said of the head of an insect when half covered by the shield of the thorax.
- English Word Semiring Definition One of the incomplete rings of the upper part of the bronchial tubes of most birds. The semerings form an essential part of the syrinx, or musical organ, of singing birds.
- English Word Semisavage Definition Half savage.
- English Word Semisavage Definition One who is half savage.