SPage 158
- English Word Semisextile Definition An aspect of the planets when they are distant from each other the twelfth part of a circle, or thirty degrees.
- English Word Semisolid Definition Partially solid.
- English Word Semisoun Definition A half sound; a low tone.
- English Word Semispheric Definition Alt. of Semispherical
- English Word Semispherical Definition Having the figure of a half sphere.
- English Word Semispheroidal Definition Formed like a half spheroid.
- English Word Semisteel Definition Puddled steel.
- English Word Semita Definition A fasciole of a spatangoid sea urchin.
- English Word Semitae Definition of Semita
- English Word Semitangent Definition The tangent of half an arc.
- English Word Semite Definition One belonging to the Semitic race. Also used adjectively.
- English Word Semiterete Definition Half terete.
- English Word Semitertian Definition Having the characteristics of both a tertian and a quotidian intermittent.
- English Word Semitertian Definition An intermittent combining the characteristics of a tertian and a quotidian.
- English Word Semitic Definition Of or pertaining to Shem or his descendants; belonging to that division of the Caucasian race which includes the Arabs, Jews, and related races.
- English Word Semitism Definition A Semitic idiom; a word of Semitic origin.
- English Word Semitone Definition Half a tone; -- the name commonly applied to the smaller intervals of the diatonic scale.
- English Word Semitonic Definition Of or pertaining to a semitone; consisting of a semitone, or of semitones.
- English Word Semitransept Definition The half of a transept; as, the north semitransept of a church.
- English Word Semitranslucent Definition Slightly clear; transmitting light in a slight degree.
- English Word Semitransparency Definition Imperfect or partial transparency.
- English Word Semitransparent Definition Half or imperfectly transparent.
- English Word Semiverticillate Definition Partially verticillate.
- English Word Semivif Definition Only half alive.
- English Word Semivitreous Definition Partially vitreous.
- English Word Semivitrification Definition The quality or state of being semivitrified.
- English Word Semivitrification Definition A substance imperfectly vitrified.
- English Word Semivitrified Definition Half or imperfectly vitrified; partially converted into glass.
- English Word Semivocal Definition Of or pertaining to a semivowel; half cocal; imperfectly sounding.
- English Word Semivowel Definition A sound intermediate between a vowel and a consonant, or partaking of the nature of both, as in the English w and y.