RPage 84
- English Word Redisseizor Definition One who redisseizes.
- English Word Redissolve Definition To dissolve again.
- English Word Redistill Definition To distill again.
- English Word Redistrainer Definition One who distrains again.
- English Word Redistribute Definition To distribute again.
- English Word Redistrict Definition To divide into new districts.
- English Word Redition Definition Act of returning; return.
- English Word Redivide Definition To divide anew.
- English Word Redleg Definition Alt. of Redlegs
- English Word Redlegs Definition The redshank.
- English Word Redlegs Definition The turnstone.
- English Word Redly Definition In a red manner; with redness.
- English Word Redmouth Definition Any one of several species of marine food fishes of the genus Diabasis, or Haemulon, of the Southern United States, having the inside of the mouth bright red. Called also flannelmouth, and grunt.
- English Word Redness Definition The quality or state of being red; red color.
- English Word Redolence Definition Alt. of Redolency
- English Word Redolency Definition The quality of being redolent; sweetness of scent; pleasant odor; fragrance.
- English Word Redolent Definition Diffusing odor or fragrance; spreading sweet scent; scented; odorous; smelling; -- usually followed by of.
- English Word Redouble Definition To double again or repeatedly; to increase by continued or repeated additions; to augment greatly; to multiply.
- English Word Redouble Definition To become greatly or repeatedly increased; to be multiplied; to be greatly augmented; as, the noise redoubles.
- English Word Redoubt Definition A small, and usually a roughly constructed, fort or outwork of varying shape, commonly erected for a temporary purpose, and without flanking defenses, -- used esp. in fortifying tops of hills and passes, and positions in hostile territory.
- English Word Redoubt Definition In permanent works, an outwork placed within another outwork. See F and i in Illust. of Ravelin.
- English Word Redoubt Definition To stand in dread of; to regard with fear; to dread.
- English Word Redoubtable Definition Formidable; dread; terrible to foes; as, a redoubtable hero; hence, valiant; -- often in contempt or burlesque.
- English Word Redoubted Definition Formidable; dread.
- English Word Redoubting Definition Reverence; honor.
- English Word Redound Definition To roll back, as a wave or flood; to be sent or driven back; to flow back, as a consequence or effect; to conduce; to contribute; to result.
- English Word Redound Definition To be in excess; to remain over and above; to be redundant; to overflow.
- English Word Redound Definition The coming back, as of consequence or effect; result; return; requital.
- English Word Redound Definition Rebound; reverberation.
- English Word Redounded Definition of Redound