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  • English Word Redden Definition To make red or somewhat red; to give a red color to.
  • English Word Redden Definition To grow or become red; to blush.
  • English Word Reddendum Definition A clause in a deed by which some new thing is reserved out of what had been granted before; the clause by which rent is reserved in a lease.
  • English Word Reddened Definition of Redden
  • English Word Reddening Definition of Redden
  • English Word Reddish Definition Somewhat red; moderately red.
  • English Word Reddition Definition Restoration: restitution: surrender.
  • English Word Reddition Definition Explanation; representation.
  • English Word Redditive Definition Answering to an interrogative or inquiry; conveying a reply; as, redditive words.
  • English Word Reddle Definition Red chalk. See under Chalk.
  • English Word Reddour Definition Rigor; violence.
  • English Word Rede Definition To advise or counsel.
  • English Word Rede Definition To interpret; to explain.
  • English Word Rede Definition Advice; counsel; suggestion.
  • English Word Rede Definition A word or phrase; a motto; a proverb; a wise saw.
  • English Word Redeem Definition To purchase back; to regain possession of by payment of a stipulated price; to repurchase.
  • English Word Redeem Definition To recall, as an estate, or to regain, as mortgaged property, by paying what may be due by force of the mortgage.
  • English Word Redeem Definition To regain by performing the obligation or condition stated; to discharge the obligation mentioned in, as a promissory note, bond, or other evidence of debt; as, to redeem bank notes with coin.
  • English Word Redeem Definition To ransom, liberate, or rescue from captivity or bondage, or from any obligation or liability to suffer or to be forfeited, by paying a price or ransom; to ransom; to rescue; to recover; as, to redeem a captive, a pledge, and the like.
  • English Word Redeem Definition Hence, to rescue and deliver from the bondage of sin and the penalties of God's violated law.
  • English Word Redeem Definition To make good by performing fully; to fulfill; as, to redeem one's promises.
  • English Word Redeem Definition To pay the penalty of; to make amends for; to serve as an equivalent or offset for; to atone for; to compensate; as, to redeem an error.
  • English Word Redeemability Definition Redeemableness.
  • English Word Redeemable Definition Capable of being redeemed; subject to repurchase; held under conditions permitting redemption; as, a pledge securing the payment of money is redeemable.
  • English Word Redeemable Definition Subject to an obligation of redemtion; conditioned upon a promise of redemtion; payable; due; as, bonds, promissory notes, etc. , redeemabble in gold, or in current money, or four months after date.
  • English Word Redeemableness Definition The quality or state of being redeemable; redeemability.
  • English Word Redeemed Definition of Redeem
  • English Word Redeemer Definition One who redeems.
  • English Word Redeemer Definition Specifically, the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
  • English Word Redeeming Definition of Redeem