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- English Word Recompensive Definition Of the nature of recompense; serving to recompense.
- English Word Recompilation Definition A new compilation.
- English Word Recompile Definition To compile anew.
- English Word Recompilement Definition The act of recompiling; new compilation or digest; as, a recompilement of the laws.
- English Word Recompose Definition To compose again; to form anew; to put together again or repeatedly.
- English Word Recompose Definition To restore to composure; to quiet anew; to tranquilize; as, to recompose the mind.
- English Word Recomposed Definition of Recompose
- English Word Recomposer Definition One who recomposes.
- English Word Recomposing Definition of Recompose
- English Word Recomposition Definition The act of recomposing.
- English Word Reconcilable Definition Capable of being reconciled; as, reconcilable adversaries; an act reconciable with previous acts.
- English Word Reconcile Definition To cause to be friendly again; to conciliate anew; to restore to friendship; to bring back to harmony; to cause to be no longer at variance; as, to reconcile persons who have quarreled.
- English Word Reconcile Definition To bring to acquiescence, content, or quiet submission; as, to reconcile one's self to affictions.
- English Word Reconcile Definition To make consistent or congruous; to bring to agreement or suitableness; -- followed by with or to.
- English Word Reconcile Definition To adjust; to settle; as, to reconcile differences.
- English Word Reconcile Definition To become reconciled.
- English Word Reconciled Definition of Reconcile
- English Word Reconcilement Definition Reconciliation.
- English Word Reconciler Definition One who reconciles.
- English Word Reconciliation Definition The act of reconciling, or the state of being reconciled; reconcilenment; restoration to harmony; renewal of friendship.
- English Word Reconciliation Definition Reduction to congruence or consistency; removal of inconsistency; harmony.
- English Word Reconciliatory Definition Serving or tending to reconcile.
- English Word Reconciling Definition of Reconcile
- English Word Recondensation Definition The act or process of recondensing.
- English Word Recondense Definition To condense again.
- English Word Recondite Definition Hidden from the mental or intellectual view; secret; abstruse; as, recondite causes of things.
- English Word Recondite Definition Dealing in things abstruse; profound; searching; as, recondite studies.
- English Word Reconditory Definition A repository; a storehouse.
- English Word Reconduct Definition To conduct back or again.
- English Word Reconfirm Definition To confirm anew.