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- English Word Recoil Definition The state or condition of having recoiled.
- English Word Recoil Definition Specifically, the reaction or rebounding of a firearm when discharged.
- English Word Recoiled Definition of Recoil
- English Word Recoiler Definition One who, or that which, recoils.
- English Word Recoiling Definition of Recoil
- English Word Recoilingly Definition In the manner of a recoil.
- English Word Recoilment Definition Recoil.
- English Word Recoin Definition To coin anew or again.
- English Word Recoinage Definition The act of coining anew.
- English Word Recoinage Definition That which is coined anew.
- English Word Recollect Definition To recover or recall the knowledge of; to bring back to the mind or memory; to remember.
- English Word Recollect Definition Reflexively, to compose one's self; to recover self-command; as, to recollect one's self after a burst of anger; -- sometimes, formerly, in the perfect participle.
- English Word Recollect Definition A friar of the Strict Observance, -- an order of Franciscans.
- English Word Recollected Definition of Recollect
- English Word Recollecting Definition of Recollect
- English Word Recollection Definition The act of recollecting, or recalling to the memory; the operation by which objects are recalled to the memory, or ideas revived in the mind; reminiscence; remembrance.
- English Word Recollection Definition The power of recalling ideas to the mind, or the period within which things can be recollected; remembrance; memory; as, an event within my recollection.
- English Word Recollection Definition That which is recollected; something called to mind; reminiscence.
- English Word Recollection Definition The act or practice of collecting or concentrating the mind; concentration; self-control.
- English Word Recollective Definition Having the power of recollecting.
- English Word Recollet Definition Same as Recollect, n.
- English Word Recolonization Definition A second or renewed colonization.
- English Word Recolonize Definition To colonize again.
- English Word Recombination Definition Combination a second or additional time.
- English Word Recombine Definition To combine again.
- English Word Recomfort Definition To comfort again; to console anew; to give new strength to.
- English Word Recomfortless Definition Without comfort.
- English Word Recomforture Definition The act of recomforting; restoration of comfort.
- English Word Recommence Definition To commence or begin again.
- English Word Recommence Definition To begin anew to be; to act again as.