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  • English Word Realistic Definition Of or pertaining to the realists; in the manner of the realists; characterized by realism rather than by imagination.
  • English Word Realistically Definition In a realistic manner.
  • English Word Realities Definition of Reality
  • English Word Reality Definition The state or quality of being real; actual being or existence of anything, in distinction from mere appearance; fact.
  • English Word Reality Definition That which is real; an actual existence; that which is not imagination, fiction, or pretense; that which has objective existence, and is not merely an idea.
  • English Word Reality Definition Loyalty; devotion.
  • English Word Reality Definition See 2d Realty, 2.
  • English Word Realizable Definition Capable of being realized.
  • English Word Realization Definition The act of realizing, or the state of being realized.
  • English Word Realize Definition To make real; to convert from the imaginary or fictitious into the actual; to bring into concrete existence; to effectuate; to accomplish; as, to realize a scheme or project.
  • English Word Realize Definition To cause to seem real; to impress upon the mind as actual; to feel vividly or strongly; to make one's own in apprehension or experience.
  • English Word Realize Definition To convert into real property; to make real estate of; as, to realize his fortune.
  • English Word Realize Definition To acquire as an actual possession; to obtain as the result of plans and efforts; to gain; to get; as, to realize large profits from a speculation.
  • English Word Realize Definition To convert into actual money; as, to realize assets.
  • English Word Realize Definition To convert any kind of property into money, especially property representing investments, as shares in stock companies, bonds, etc.
  • English Word Realized Definition of Realize
  • English Word Realizer Definition One who realizes.
  • English Word Realizing Definition of Realize
  • English Word Realizing Definition Serving to make real, or to impress on the mind as a reality; as, a realizing view of the danger incurred.
  • English Word Reallege Definition To allege again.
  • English Word Realliance Definition A renewed alliance.
  • English Word Really Definition Royally.
  • English Word Really Definition In a real manner; with or in reality; actually; in truth.
  • English Word Realm Definition A royal jurisdiction or domain; a region which is under the dominion of a king; a kingdom.
  • English Word Realm Definition Hence, in general, province; region; country; domain; department; division; as, the realm of fancy.
  • English Word Realmless Definition Destitute of a realm.
  • English Word Realness Definition The quality or condition of being real; reality.
  • English Word Realty Definition Royalty.
  • English Word Realty Definition Loyalty; faithfulness.
  • English Word Realty Definition Reality.