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- English Word Ready Definition A word of command, or a position, in the manual of arms, at which the piece is cocked and held in position to execute promptly the next command, which is, aim.
- English Word Ready Definition In a state of preparation for immediate action; so as to need no delay.
- English Word Ready Definition Ready money; cash; -- commonly with the; as, he was well supplied with the ready.
- English Word Ready Definition To dispose in order.
- English Word Ready-made Definition Made already, or beforehand, in anticipation of need; not made to order; as, ready-made clothing; ready-made jokes.
- English Word Ready-witted Definition Having ready wit.
- English Word Reaffirm Definition To affirm again.
- English Word Reaffirmance Definition Alt. of Reaffirmation
- English Word Reaffirmation Definition A second affirmation.
- English Word Reafforest Definition To convert again into a forest, as a region of country.
- English Word Reafforestation Definition The act or process of converting again into a forest.
- English Word Reagent Definition A substance capable of producing with another a reaction, especially when employed to detect the presence of other bodies; a test.
- English Word Reaggravation Definition The last monitory, published after three admonitions and before the last excommunication.
- English Word Reagree Definition To agree again.
- English Word Reak Definition A rush.
- English Word Reak Definition A prank.
- English Word Real Definition A small Spanish silver coin; also, a denomination of money of account, formerly the unit of the Spanish monetary system.
- English Word Real Definition Royal; regal; kingly.
- English Word Real Definition Actually being or existing; not fictitious or imaginary; as, a description of real life.
- English Word Real Definition True; genuine; not artificial, counterfeit, or factitious; often opposed to ostensible; as, the real reason; real Madeira wine; real ginger.
- English Word Real Definition Relating to things, not to persons.
- English Word Real Definition Having an assignable arithmetical or numerical value or meaning; not imaginary.
- English Word Real Definition Pertaining to things fixed, permanent, or immovable, as to lands and tenements; as, real property, in distinction from personal or movable property.
- English Word Real Definition A realist.
- English Word Realgar Definition Arsenic sulphide, a mineral of a brilliant red color; red orpiment. It is also an artificial product.
- English Word Realism Definition As opposed to nominalism, the doctrine that genera and species are real things or entities, existing independently of our conceptions. According to realism the Universal exists ante rem (Plato), or in re (Aristotle).
- English Word Realism Definition As opposed to idealism, the doctrine that in sense perception there is an immediate cognition of the external object, and our knowledge of it is not mediate and representative.
- English Word Realism Definition Fidelity to nature or to real life; representation without idealization, and making no appeal to the imagination; adherence to the actual fact.
- English Word Realist Definition One who believes in realism; esp., one who maintains that generals, or the terms used to denote the genera and species of things, represent real existences, and are not mere names, as maintained by the nominalists.
- English Word Realist Definition An artist or writer who aims at realism in his work. See Realism, 2.