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- English Word Rugae Definition of Ruga
- English Word Rugate Definition Having alternate ridges and depressions; wrinkled.
- English Word Rugged Definition Full of asperities on the surface; broken into sharp or irregular points, or otherwise uneven; not smooth; rough; as, a rugged mountain; a rugged road.
- English Word Rugged Definition Not neat or regular; uneven.
- English Word Rugged Definition Rough with bristles or hair; shaggy.
- English Word Rugged Definition Harsh; hard; crabbed; austere; -- said of temper, character, and the like, or of persons.
- English Word Rugged Definition Stormy; turbulent; tempestuous; rude.
- English Word Rugged Definition Rough to the ear; harsh; grating; -- said of sound, style, and the like.
- English Word Rugged Definition Sour; surly; frowning; wrinkled; -- said of looks, etc.
- English Word Rugged Definition Violent; rude; boisterrous; -- said of conduct, manners, etc.
- English Word Rugged Definition Vigorous; robust; hardy; -- said of health, physique, etc.
- English Word Rugging Definition A coarse kind of woolen cloth, used for wrapping, blanketing, etc.
- English Word Ruggy Definition Rugged; rough.
- English Word Rugin Definition A nappy cloth.
- English Word Rugine Definition An instrument for scraping the periosteum from bones; a raspatory.
- English Word Rugine Definition To scrape or rasp, as a bone; to scale.
- English Word Rugosa Definition An extinct tribe of fossil corals, including numerous species, many of them of large size. They are characteristic of the Paleozoic formations. The radiating septs, when present, are usually in multiples of four. See Cyathophylloid.
- English Word Rugose Definition Wrinkled; full of wrinkles; specifically (Bot.), having the veinlets sunken and the spaces between them elevated, as the leaves of the sage and horehound.
- English Word Rugosity Definition The quality or state of being rugose.
- English Word Rugous Definition Wrinkled; rugose.
- English Word Rugulose Definition Somewhat rugose.
- English Word Ruhmkorff's coil Definition See Induction coil, under Induction.
- English Word Ruin Definition The act of falling or tumbling down; fall.
- English Word Ruin Definition Such a change of anything as destroys it, or entirely defeats its object, or unfits it for use; destruction; overthrow; as, the ruin of a ship or an army; the ruin of a constitution or a government; the ruin of health or hopes.
- English Word Ruin Definition That which is fallen down and become worthless from injury or decay; as, his mind is a ruin; especially, in the plural, the remains of a destroyed, dilapidated, or desolate house, fortress, city, or the like.
- English Word Ruin Definition The state of being dcayed, or of having become ruined or worthless; as, to be in ruins; to go to ruin.
- English Word Ruin Definition That which promotes injury, decay, or destruction.
- English Word Ruin Definition To bring to ruin; to cause to fall to pieces and decay; to make to perish; to bring to destruction; to bring to poverty or bankruptcy; to impair seriously; to damage essentially; to overthrow.
- English Word Ruin Definition To fall to ruins; to go to ruin; to become decayed or dilapidated; to perish.
- English Word Ruinable Definition Capable of being ruined.