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- English Word Return Definition The act of returning (transitive), or sending back to the same place or condition; restitution; repayment; requital; retribution; as, the return of anything borrowed, as a book or money; a good return in tennis.
- English Word Return Definition That which is returned.
- English Word Return Definition A payment; a remittance; a requital.
- English Word Return Definition An answer; as, a return to one's question.
- English Word Return Definition An account, or formal report, of an action performed, of a duty discharged, of facts or statistics, and the like; as, election returns; a return of the amount of goods produced or sold; especially, in the plural, a set of tabulated statistics prepared for general information.
- English Word Return Definition The profit on, or advantage received from, labor, or an investment, undertaking, adventure, etc.
- English Word Return Definition The continuation in a different direction, most often at a right angle, of a building, face of a building, or any member, as a molding or mold; -- applied to the shorter in contradistinction to the longer; thus, a facade of sixty feet east and west has a return of twenty feet north and south.
- English Word Return Definition The rendering back or delivery of writ, precept, or execution, to the proper officer or court.
- English Word Return Definition The certificate of an officer stating what he has done in execution of a writ, precept, etc., indorsed on the document.
- English Word Return Definition The sending back of a commission with the certificate of the commissioners.
- English Word Return Definition A day in bank. See Return day, below.
- English Word Return Definition An official account, report, or statement, rendered to the commander or other superior officer; as, the return of men fit for duty; the return of the number of the sick; the return of provisions, etc.
- English Word Return Definition The turnings and windings of a trench or mine.
- English Word Returnable Definition Capable of, or admitting of, being returned.
- English Word Returnable Definition Legally required to be returned, delivered, given, or rendered; as, a writ or precept returnable at a certain day; a verdict returnable to the court.
- English Word Returned Definition of Return
- English Word Returner Definition One who returns.
- English Word Returning Definition of Return
- English Word Returnless Definition Admitting no return.
- English Word Retuse Definition Having the end rounded and slightly indented; as, a retuse leaf.
- English Word Reule Definition Rule.
- English Word Reume Definition Realm.
- English Word Reunion Definition A second union; union formed anew after separation, secession, or discord; as, a reunion of parts or particles of matter; a reunion of parties or sects.
- English Word Reunion Definition An assembling of persons who have been separated, as of a family, or the members of a disbanded regiment; an assembly so composed.
- English Word Reunite Definition To unite again; to join after separation or variance.
- English Word Reunitedly Definition In a reunited manner.
- English Word Reunition Definition A second uniting.
- English Word Reurge Definition To urge again.
- English Word Revaccinate Definition To vaccinate a second time or again.
- English Word Revalescence Definition The act of growing well; the state of being revalescent.