RPage 189
- English Word Retroverting Definition of Retrovert
- English Word Retrude Definition To thrust back.
- English Word Retruded Definition of Retrude
- English Word Retruding Definition of Retrude
- English Word Retruse Definition Abstruse.
- English Word Retrusion Definition The act of retruding, or the state of being retruded.
- English Word Retry Definition To try (esp. judicially) a second time; as, to retry a case; to retry an accused person.
- English Word Rette Definition See Aret.
- English Word Rettery Definition A place or establishment where flax is retted. See Ret.
- English Word Retting Definition The act or process of preparing flax for use by soaking, maceration, and kindred processes; -- also called rotting. See Ret.
- English Word Retting Definition A place where flax is retted; a rettery.
- English Word Retund Definition To blunt; to turn, as an edge; figuratively, to cause to be obtuse or dull; as, to retund confidence.
- English Word Return Definition To turn back; to go or come again to the same place or condition.
- English Word Return Definition To come back, or begin again, after an interval, regular or irregular; to appear again.
- English Word Return Definition To speak in answer; to reply; to respond.
- English Word Return Definition To revert; to pass back into possession.
- English Word Return Definition To go back in thought, narration, or argument.
- English Word Return Definition To bring, carry, send, or turn, back; as, to return a borrowed book, or a hired horse.
- English Word Return Definition To repay; as, to return borrowed money.
- English Word Return Definition To give in requital or recompense; to requite.
- English Word Return Definition To give back in reply; as, to return an answer; to return thanks.
- English Word Return Definition To retort; to throw back; as, to return the lie.
- English Word Return Definition To report, or bring back and make known.
- English Word Return Definition To render, as an account, usually an official account, to a superior; to report officially by a list or statement; as, to return a list of stores, of killed or wounded; to return the result of an election.
- English Word Return Definition Hence, to elect according to the official report of the election officers.
- English Word Return Definition To bring or send back to a tribunal, or to an office, with a certificate of what has been done; as, to return a writ.
- English Word Return Definition To convey into official custody, or to a general depository.
- English Word Return Definition To bat (the ball) back over the net.
- English Word Return Definition To lead in response to the lead of one's partner; as, to return a trump; to return a diamond for a club.
- English Word Return Definition The act of returning (intransitive), or coming back to the same place or condition; as, the return of one long absent; the return of health; the return of the seasons, or of an anniversary.