QPage 20
- English Word Querpo Definition The inner or body garments taken together. See Cuerpo.
- English Word Querquedule Definition A teal.
- English Word Querquedule Definition The pintail duck.
- English Word Querry Definition A groom; an equerry.
- English Word Querulential Definition Querulous.
- English Word Querulous Definition Given to quarreling; quarrelsome.
- English Word Querulous Definition Apt to find fault; habitually complaining; disposed to murmur; as, a querulous man or people.
- English Word Querulous Definition Expressing complaint; fretful; whining; as, a querulous tone of voice.
- English Word Query Definition A question; an inquiry to be answered or solved.
- English Word Query Definition A question in the mind; a doubt; as, I have a query about his sincerity.
- English Word Query Definition An interrogation point [?] as the sign of a question or a doubt.
- English Word Query Definition To ask questions; to make inquiry.
- English Word Query Definition To have a doubt; as, I query if he is right.
- English Word Query Definition To put questions about; to elicit by questioning; to inquire into; as, to query the items or the amount; to query the motive or the fact.
- English Word Query Definition To address questions to; to examine by questions.
- English Word Query Definition To doubt of; to regard with incredulity.
- English Word Query Definition To write " query" (qu., qy., or ?) against, as a doubtful spelling, or sense, in a proof. See Quaere.
- English Word Querying Definition of Query
- English Word Quesal Definition The long-tailed, or resplendent, trogon (Pharomachus mocinno, formerly Trogon resplendens), native of Southern Mexico and Central America. Called also quetzal, and golden trogon.
- English Word Quest Definition The act of seeking, or looking after anything; attempt to find or obtain; search; pursuit; as, to rove in quest of game, of a lost child, of property, etc.
- English Word Quest Definition Request; desire; solicitation.
- English Word Quest Definition Those who make search or inquiry, taken collectively.
- English Word Quest Definition Inquest; jury of inquest.
- English Word Quest Definition To search for; to examine.
- English Word Quest Definition To go on a quest; to make a search; to go in pursuit; to beg.
- English Word Questant Definition One who undertakes a quest; a seeker.
- English Word Quester Definition One who seeks; a seeker.
- English Word Question Definition The act of asking; interrogation; inquiry; as, to examine by question and answer.
- English Word Question Definition Discussion; debate; hence, objection; dispute; doubt; as, the story is true beyond question; he obeyed without question.
- English Word Question Definition Examination with reference to a decisive result; investigation; specifically, a judicial or official investigation; also, examination under torture.