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- English Word Quemeful Definition Kindly; merciful.
- English Word Quench Definition To extinguish; to overwhelm; to make an end of; -- said of flame and fire, of things burning, and figuratively of sensations and emotions; as, to quench flame; to quench a candle; to quench thirst, love, hate, etc.
- English Word Quench Definition To cool suddenly, as heated steel, in tempering.
- English Word Quench Definition To become extinguished; to go out; to become calm or cool.
- English Word Quenchable Definition Capable of being quenched.
- English Word Quenched Definition of Quench
- English Word Quencher Definition One who, or that which, quenches.
- English Word Quenching Definition of Quench
- English Word Quenchless Definition Incapable of being quenched; inextinguishable; as, quenchless fire or fury.
- English Word Quenelle Definition A kind of delicate forcemeat, commonly poached and used as a dish by itself or for garnishing.
- English Word Quenouille training Definition A method of training trees or shrubs in the shape of a cone or distaff by tying down the branches and pruning.
- English Word Quercitannic Definition Pertaining to, or designating, a tannic acid found in oak bark and extracted as a yellowish brown amorphous substance.
- English Word Quercite Definition A white crystalline substance, C6H7(OH)5, found in acorns, the fruit of the oak (Quercus). It has a sweet taste, and is regarded as a pentacid alcohol.
- English Word Quercitin Definition A yellow crystalline substance, occurring quite widely distributed in the vegetable kingdom, as is apple-tree bark, horse-chestnut leaves, etc., but originally obtained by the decomposition of quercitrin. Called also meletin.
- English Word Quercitrin Definition A glucoside extracted from the bark of the oak (Quercus) as a bitter citron-yellow crystalline substance, used as a pigment and called quercitron.
- English Word Quercitron Definition The yellow inner bark of the Quercus tinctoria, the American black oak, yellow oak, dyer's oak, or quercitron oak, a large forest tree growing from Maine to eastern Texas.
- English Word Quercitron Definition Quercitrin, used as a pigment. See Quercitrin.
- English Word Quercus Definition A genus of trees constituted by the oak. See Oak.
- English Word Querele Definition A complaint to a court. See Audita Querela.
- English Word Querent Definition A complainant; a plaintiff.
- English Word Querent Definition An inquirer.
- English Word Queried Definition of Query
- English Word Queries Definition of Query
- English Word Querimony Definition A complaint or complaining.
- English Word Querist Definition One who inquires, or asks questions.
- English Word Querken Definition To stifle or choke.
- English Word Querl Definition To twirl; to turn or wind round; to coil; as, to querl a cord, thread, or rope.
- English Word Querl Definition A coil; a twirl; as, the qwerl of hair on the fore leg of a blooded horse.
- English Word Quermonious Definition Complaining; querulous; apt to complain.
- English Word Quern Definition A mill for grinding grain, the upper stone of which was turned by hand; -- used before the invention of windmills and watermills.