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  • English Word Purging Definition of Purge
  • English Word Purging Definition That purges; cleansing.
  • English Word Purging Definition The act of cleansing; excessive evacuations; especially, diarrhea.
  • English Word Puri Definition See Euxanthin.
  • English Word Purification Definition The act of purifying; the act or operation of separating and removing from anything that which is impure or noxious, or heterogeneous or foreign to it; as, the purification of liquors, or of metals.
  • English Word Purification Definition The act or operation of cleansing ceremonially, by removing any pollution or defilement.
  • English Word Purification Definition A cleansing from guilt or the pollution of sin; the extinction of sinful desires, appetites, and inclinations.
  • English Word Purificative Definition Having power to purify; tending to cleanse.
  • English Word Purificator Definition One who, or that which, purifies; a purifier.
  • English Word Purified Definition of Purify
  • English Word Purifier Definition One who, or that which, purifies or cleanses; a cleanser; a refiner.
  • English Word Puriform Definition In the form of pus.
  • English Word Purify Definition To make pure or clear from material defilement, admixture, or imperfection; to free from extraneous or noxious matter; as, to purify liquors or metals; to purify the blood; to purify the air.
  • English Word Purify Definition Hence, in figurative uses: (a) To free from guilt or moral defilement; as, to purify the heart.
  • English Word Purify Definition To free from ceremonial or legal defilement.
  • English Word Purify Definition To free from improprieties or barbarisms; as, to purify a language.
  • English Word Purify Definition To grow or become pure or clear.
  • English Word Purifying Definition of Purify
  • English Word Purim Definition A Jewish festival, called also the Feast of Lots, instituted to commemorate the deliverance of the Jews from the machinations of Haman.
  • English Word Purism Definition Rigid purity; the quality of being affectedly pure or nice, especially in the choice of language; over-solicitude as to purity.
  • English Word Purist Definition One who aims at excessive purity or nicety, esp. in the choice of language.
  • English Word Purist Definition One who maintains that the New Testament was written in pure Greek.
  • English Word Puristic Definition Alt. of Puristical
  • English Word Puristical Definition Of or pertaining to purists or purism.
  • English Word Puritan Definition One who, in the time of Queen Elizabeth and the first two Stuarts, opposed traditional and formal usages, and advocated simpler forms of faith and worship than those established by law; -- originally, a term of reproach. The Puritans formed the bulk of the early population of New England.
  • English Word Puritan Definition One who is scrupulous and strict in his religious life; -- often used reproachfully or in contempt; one who has overstrict notions.
  • English Word Puritan Definition Of or pertaining to the Puritans; resembling, or characteristic of, the Puritans.
  • English Word Puritanic Definition Alt. of Puritanical
  • English Word Puritanical Definition Of or pertaining to the Puritans, or to their doctrines and practice.
  • English Word Puritanical Definition Precise in observance of legal or religious requirements; strict; overscrupulous; rigid; -- often used by way of reproach or contempt.