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  • English Word Purchase Definition To buy for a price.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To apply to (anything) a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage; to get a purchase upon, or apply a purchase to; as, to purchase a cannon.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To put forth effort to obtain anything; to strive; to exert one's self.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To acquire wealth or property.
  • English Word Purchase Definition The act of seeking, getting, or obtaining anything.
  • English Word Purchase Definition The act of seeking and acquiring property.
  • English Word Purchase Definition The acquisition of title to, or properly in, anything for a price; buying for money or its equivalent.
  • English Word Purchase Definition That which is obtained, got, or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly; property; possession; acquisition.
  • English Word Purchase Definition That which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent.
  • English Word Purchase Definition Any mechanical hold, or advantage, applied to the raising or removing of heavy bodies, as by a lever, a tackle, capstan, and the like; also, the apparatus, tackle, or device by which the advantage is gained.
  • English Word Purchase Definition Acquisition of lands or tenements by other means than descent or inheritance, namely, by one's own act or agreement.
  • English Word Purchased Definition of Purchase
  • English Word Purchaser Definition One who purchases; one who acquires property for a consideration, generally of money; a buyer; a vendee.
  • English Word Purchaser Definition One who acquires an estate in lands by his own act or agreement, or who takes or obtains an estate by any means other than by descent or inheritance.
  • English Word Purchasing Definition of Purchase
  • English Word Purdah Definition A curtain or screen; also, a cotton fabric in blue and white stripes, used for curtains.
  • English Word Pure Definition Separate from all heterogeneous or extraneous matter; free from mixture or combination; clean; mere; simple; unmixed; as, pure water; pure clay; pure air; pure compassion.
  • English Word Pure Definition Free from moral defilement or quilt; hence, innocent; guileless; chaste; -- applied to persons.
  • English Word Pure Definition Free from that which harms, vitiates, weakens, or pollutes; genuine; real; perfect; -- applied to things and actions.
  • English Word Pure Definition Ritually clean; fitted for holy services.
  • English Word Pure Definition Of a single, simple sound or tone; -- said of some vowels and the unaspirated consonants.
  • English Word Pured Definition Purified; refined.
  • English Word Puree Definition A dish made by boiling any article of food to a pulp and rubbing it through a sieve; as, a puree of fish, or of potatoes; especially, a soup the thickening of which is so treated.
  • English Word Purely Definition In a pure manner (in any sense of the adjective).
  • English Word Purely Definition Nicely; prettily.
  • English Word Pureness Definition The state of being pure (in any sense of the adjective).
  • English Word Purfile Definition A sort of ancient trimming of tinsel and thread for women's gowns; -- called also bobbinwork.
  • English Word Purfle Definition To decorate with a wrought or flowered border; to embroider; to ornament with metallic threads; as, to purfle with blue and white.
  • English Word Purfle Definition To ornament with a bordure of emines, furs, and the like; also, with gold studs or mountings.
  • English Word Purfle Definition Alt. of Purflew