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  • English Word Purpose Definition Proposal to another; discourse.
  • English Word Purpose Definition Instance; example.
  • English Word Purpose Definition To set forth; to bring forward.
  • English Word Purpose Definition To propose, as an aim, to one's self; to determine upon, as some end or object to be accomplished; to intend; to design; to resolve; -- often followed by an infinitive or dependent clause.
  • English Word Purpose Definition To have a purpose or intention; to discourse.
  • English Word Purposed Definition of Purpose
  • English Word Purposedly Definition In a purposed manner; according to purpose or design; purposely.
  • English Word Purposeful Definition Important; material.
  • English Word Purposeless Definition Having no purpose or result; objectless.
  • English Word Purposely Definition With purpose or design; intentionally; with predetermination; designedly.
  • English Word Purposer Definition One who brings forward or proposes anything; a proposer.
  • English Word Purposer Definition One who forms a purpose; one who intends.
  • English Word Purposing Definition of Purpose
  • English Word Purposive Definition Having or indicating purpose or design.
  • English Word Purpre Definition Purple.
  • English Word Purpresture Definition Wrongful encroachment upon another's property; esp., any encroachment upon, or inclosure of, that which should be common or public, as highways, rivers, harbors, forts, etc.
  • English Word Purprise Definition A close or inclosure; the compass of a manor.
  • English Word Purpura Definition A disease characterized by livid spots on the skin from extravasated blood, with loss of muscular strength, pain in the limbs, and mental dejection; the purples.
  • English Word Purpura Definition A genus of marine gastropods, usually having a rough and thick shell. Some species yield a purple dye.
  • English Word Purpurate Definition Of or pertaining to purpura.
  • English Word Purpurate Definition A salt of purpuric acid.
  • English Word Purpure Definition Purple, -- represented in engraving by diagonal lines declining from the right top to the left base of the escutcheon (or from sinister chief to dexter base).
  • English Word Purpureal Definition Of a purple color; purple.
  • English Word Purpureo- Definition A combining form signifying of a purple or purple-red color. Specif. (Chem.), used in designating certain brilliant purple-red compounds of cobaltic chloride and ammonia, similar to the roseocobaltic compounds. See Cobaltic.
  • English Word Purpuric Definition Of or pertaining to purpura.
  • English Word Purpuric Definition Pertaining to or designating, a nitrogenous acid contained in uric acid. It is not known in the pure state, but forms well-known purple-red compounds (as murexide), whence its name.
  • English Word Purpurin Definition A dyestuff resembling alizarin, found in madder root, and extracted as an orange or red crystalline substance.
  • English Word Purpuriparous Definition Producing, or connected with, a purple-colored secretion; as, the purpuriparous gland of certain gastropods.
  • English Word Purpurogenous Definition Having the power to produce a purple color; as, the purpurogenous membrane, or choroidal epithelium, of the eye. See Visual purple, under Visual.
  • English Word Purr Definition To murmur as a cat. See Pur.