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  • English Word Puppet Definition The upright support for the bearing of the spindle in a lathe.
  • English Word Puppetish Definition Resembling a puppet in appearance or action; of the nature of a puppet.
  • English Word Puppetman Definition A master of a puppet show.
  • English Word Puppetry Definition Action or appearance resembling that of a puppet, or puppet show; hence, mere form or show; affectation.
  • English Word Puppied Definition of Puppy
  • English Word Puppies Definition of Puppy
  • English Word Pupping Definition of Pup
  • English Word Puppy Definition The young of a canine animal, esp. of the common dog; a whelp.
  • English Word Puppy Definition A name of contemptuous reproach for a conceited and impertinent person.
  • English Word Puppy Definition To bring forth whelps; to pup.
  • English Word Puppyhood Definition The time or state of being a puppy; the time of being young and undisciplined.
  • English Word Puppying Definition of Puppy
  • English Word Puppyish Definition Like a puppy.
  • English Word Puppyism Definition Extreme meanness, affectation, conceit, or impudence.
  • English Word Pur Definition To utter a low, murmuring, continued sound, as a cat does when pleased.
  • English Word Pur Definition To signify or express by purring.
  • English Word Pur Definition The low, murmuring sound made by a cat to express contentment or pleasure.
  • English Word Purana Definition One of a class of sacred Hindoo poetical works in the Sanskrit language which treat of the creation, destruction, and renovation of worlds, the genealogy and achievements of gods and heroes, the reigns of the Manus, and the transactions of their descendants. The principal Puranas are eighteen in number, and there are the same number of supplementary books called Upa Puranas.
  • English Word Puranic Definition Pertaining to the Puranas.
  • English Word Purbeck beds Definition The strata of the Purbeck stone, or Purbeck limestone, belonging to the Oolitic group. See the Chart of Geology.
  • English Word Purbeck stone Definition A limestone from the Isle of Purbeck in England.
  • English Word Purblind Definition Wholly blind.
  • English Word Purblind Definition Nearsighted, or dim-sighted; seeing obscurely; as, a purblind eye; a purblind mole.
  • English Word Purcelane Definition Purslane.
  • English Word Purchasable Definition Capable of being bought, purchased, or obtained for a consideration; hence, venal; corrupt.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price; as, to purchase land, or a house.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc.; as, to purchase favor with flattery.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To expiate by a fine or forfeit.
  • English Word Purchase Definition To acquire by any means except descent or inheritance.