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  • English Word Pulsate Definition To throb, as a pulse; to beat, as the heart.
  • English Word Pulsated Definition of Pulsate
  • English Word Pulsatile Definition Capable of being struck or beaten; played by beating or by percussion; as, a tambourine is a pulsatile musical instrument.
  • English Word Pulsatile Definition Pulsating; throbbing, as a tumor.
  • English Word Pulsatilla Definition A genus of ranunculaceous herbs including the pasque flower. This genus is now merged in Anemone. Some species, as Anemone Pulsatilla, Anemone pratensis, and Anemone patens, are used medicinally.
  • English Word Pulsating Definition of Pulsate
  • English Word Pulsation Definition A beating or throbbing, especially of the heart or of an artery, or in an inflamed part; a beat of the pulse.
  • English Word Pulsation Definition A single beat or throb of a series.
  • English Word Pulsation Definition A stroke or impulse by which some medium is affected, as in the propagation of sounds.
  • English Word Pulsation Definition Any touching of another's body willfully or in anger. This constitutes battery.
  • English Word Pulsative Definition Beating; throbbing.
  • English Word Pulsator Definition A beater; a striker.
  • English Word Pulsator Definition That which beats or throbs in working.
  • English Word Pulsatory Definition Capable of pulsating; throbbing.
  • English Word Pulse Definition Leguminous plants, or their seeds, as beans, pease, etc.
  • English Word Pulse Definition The beating or throbbing of the heart or blood vessels, especially of the arteries.
  • English Word Pulse Definition Any measured or regular beat; any short, quick motion, regularly repeated, as of a medium in the transmission of light, sound, etc.; oscillation; vibration; pulsation; impulse; beat; movement.
  • English Word Pulse Definition To beat, as the arteries; to move in pulses or beats; to pulsate; to throb.
  • English Word Pulse Definition To drive by a pulsation; to cause to pulsate.
  • English Word Pulseless Definition Having no pulsation; lifeless.
  • English Word Pulselessness Definition The state of being pulseless.
  • English Word Pulsific Definition Exciting the pulse; causing pulsation.
  • English Word Pulsimeter Definition A sphygmograph.
  • English Word Pulsion Definition The act of driving forward; propulsion; -- opposed to suction or traction.
  • English Word Pulsive Definition Tending to compel; compulsory.
  • English Word Pulsometer Definition A device, with valves, for raising water by steam, partly by atmospheric pressure, and partly by the direct action of the steam on the water, without the intervention of a piston; -- also called vacuum pump.
  • English Word Pulsometer Definition A pulsimeter.
  • English Word Pult Definition To put.
  • English Word Pultaceous Definition Macerated; softened; nearly fluid.
  • English Word Pultesse Definition Alt. of Pultise