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  • English Word Punch Definition A beverage composed of wine or distilled liquor, water (or milk), sugar, and the juice of lemon, with spice or mint; -- specifically named from the kind of spirit used; as rum punch, claret punch, champagne punch, etc.
  • English Word Punch Definition The buffoon or harlequin of a puppet show.
  • English Word Punch Definition A short, fat fellow; anything short and thick.
  • English Word Punch Definition One of a breed of large, heavy draught horses; as, the Suffolk punch.
  • English Word Punch Definition To thrust against; to poke; as, to punch one with the end of a stick or the elbow.
  • English Word Punch Definition A thrust or blow.
  • English Word Punch Definition A tool, usually of steel, variously shaped at one end for different uses, and either solid, for stamping or for perforating holes in metallic plates and other substances, or hollow and sharpedged, for cutting out blanks, as for buttons, steel pens, jewelry, and the like; a die.
  • English Word Punch Definition An extension piece applied to the top of a pile; a dolly.
  • English Word Punch Definition A prop, as for the roof of a mine.
  • English Word Punch Definition To perforate or stamp with an instrument by pressure, or a blow; as, to punch a hole; to punch ticket.
  • English Word Punched Definition of Punch
  • English Word Puncheon Definition A figured stamp, die, or punch, used by goldsmiths, cutlers, etc.
  • English Word Puncheon Definition A short, upright piece of timber in framing; a short post; an intermediate stud.
  • English Word Puncheon Definition A split log or heavy slab with the face smoothed; as, a floor made of puncheons.
  • English Word Puncheon Definition A cask containing, sometimes 84, sometimes 120, gallons.
  • English Word Puncher Definition One who, or that which, punches.
  • English Word Punchin Definition See Puncheon.
  • English Word Punchinello Definition A punch; a buffoon; originally, in a puppet show, a character represented as fat, short, and humpbacked.
  • English Word Punching Definition of Punch
  • English Word Punchy Definition Short and thick, or fat.
  • English Word Punctated Definition Alt. of Punctated
  • English Word Punctated Definition Pointed; ending in a point or points.
  • English Word Punctated Definition Dotted with small spots of color, or with minute depressions or pits.
  • English Word Punctator Definition One who marks with points. specifically, one who writes Hebrew with points; -- applied to a Masorite.
  • English Word Puncticular Definition Comprised in, or like, a point; exact.
  • English Word Punctiform Definition Having the form of a point.
  • English Word Punctilio Definition A nice point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or proceeding; particularity or exactness in forms; as, the punctilios of a public ceremony.
  • English Word Punctilios Definition of Punctilio
  • English Word Punctilious Definition Attentive to punctilio; very nice or exact in the forms of behavior, etiquette, or mutual intercourse; precise; exact in the smallest particulars.
  • English Word Punction Definition A puncturing, or pricking; a puncture.