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  • English Word Pullback Definition The iron hook fixed to a casement to pull it shut, or to hold it party open at a fixed point.
  • English Word Pulled Definition of Pull
  • English Word Pulled Definition Plucked; pilled; moulting.
  • English Word Pullen Definition Poultry.
  • English Word Puller Definition One who, or that which, pulls.
  • English Word Pullet Definition A young hen, or female of the domestic fowl.
  • English Word Pulley Definition A wheel with a broad rim, or grooved rim, for transmitting power from, or imparting power to, the different parts of machinery, or for changing the direction of motion, by means of a belt, cord, rope, or chain.
  • English Word Pulley Definition To raise or lift by means of a pulley.
  • English Word Pulleys Definition of Pulley
  • English Word Pulli Definition of Pullus
  • English Word Pullicate Definition A kind of checked cotton or silk handkerchief.
  • English Word Pulling Definition of Pull
  • English Word Pullman car Definition A kind of sleeping car; also, a palace car; -- often shortened to Pullman.
  • English Word Pullulate Definition To germinate; to bud; to multiply abundantly.
  • English Word Pullulation Definition A germinating, or budding.
  • English Word Pullus Definition A chick; a young bird in the downy stage.
  • English Word Pulmobranchiata Definition Alt. of Pulmobranchiate
  • English Word Pulmobranchiate Definition Same as Pulmonibranchiata, -ate.
  • English Word Pulmocutaneous Definition Of or pertaining to the lungs and the akin; as, the pulmocutaneous arteries of the frog.
  • English Word Pulmogasteropoda Definition Same as Pulmonata.
  • English Word Pulmograde Definition Swimming by the expansion and contraction, or lunglike movement, of the body, or of the disk, as do the medusae.
  • English Word Pulmometer Definition A spirometer.
  • English Word Pulmonarian Definition Any arachnid that breathes by lunglike organs, as the spiders and scorpions. Also used adjectively.
  • English Word Pulmonary Definition Of or pertaining to the lungs; affecting the lungs; pulmonic.
  • English Word Pulmonary Definition Lungwort.
  • English Word Pulmonata Definition An extensive division, or sub-class, of hermaphrodite gastropods, in which the mantle cavity is modified into an air-breathing organ, as in Helix, or land snails, Limax, or garden slugs, and many pond snails, as Limnaea and Planorbis.
  • English Word Pulmonate Definition Having breathing organs that act as lungs.
  • English Word Pulmonate Definition Pertaining to the Pulmonata.
  • English Word Pulmonate Definition One of the Pulmonata.
  • English Word Pulmonated Definition same as Pulmonate (a).