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  • English Word Pulmonibranchiata Definition Same as Pulmonata.
  • English Word Pulmonibranchiate Definition Same as Pulmonate.
  • English Word Pulmonic Definition Relating to, or affecting the lungs; pulmonary.
  • English Word Pulmonic Definition A pulmonic medicine.
  • English Word Pulmonifera Definition Same as Pulmonata.
  • English Word Pulmoniferous Definition Having lungs; pulmonate.
  • English Word Pulp Definition A moist, slightly cohering mass, consisting of soft, undissolved animal or vegetable matter.
  • English Word Pulp Definition A tissue or part resembling pulp; especially, the soft, highly vascular and sensitive tissue which fills the central cavity, called the pulp cavity, of teeth.
  • English Word Pulp Definition The soft, succulent part of fruit; as, the pulp of a grape.
  • English Word Pulp Definition The exterior part of a coffee berry.
  • English Word Pulp Definition The material of which paper is made when ground up and suspended in water.
  • English Word Pulp Definition To reduce to pulp.
  • English Word Pulp Definition To deprive of the pulp, or integument.
  • English Word Pulpatoon Definition A kind of delicate confectionery or cake, perhaps made from the pulp of fruit.
  • English Word Pulped Definition of Pulp
  • English Word Pulpiness Definition the quality or state of being pulpy.
  • English Word Pulping Definition of Pulp
  • English Word Pulpit Definition An elevated place, or inclosed stage, in a church, in which the clergyman stands while preaching.
  • English Word Pulpit Definition The whole body of the clergy; preachers as a class; also, preaching.
  • English Word Pulpit Definition A desk, or platform, for an orator or public speaker.
  • English Word Pulpit Definition Of or pertaining to the pulpit, or preaching; as, a pulpit orator; pulpit eloquence.
  • English Word Pulpited Definition Placed in a pulpit.
  • English Word Pulpiteer Definition One who speaks in a pulpit; a preacher; -- so called in contempt.
  • English Word Pulpiter Definition A preacher.
  • English Word Pulpitical Definition Of or pertaining to the pulpit; suited to the pulpit.
  • English Word Pulpitish Definition Of or pertaining to the pulpit; like preaching.
  • English Word Pulpitry Definition The teaching of the pulpit; preaching.
  • English Word Pulpous Definition Containing pulp; pulpy.
  • English Word Pulpy Definition Like pulp; consisting of pulp; soft; fleshy; succulent; as, the pulpy covering of a nut; the pulpy substance of a peach or a cherry.
  • English Word Pulque Definition An intoxicating Mexican drink. See Agave.