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  • English Word Pseudopodial Definition Of or pertaining to a pseudopod, or to pseudopodia. See Illust. of Heliozoa.
  • English Word Pseudopodium Definition Same as Pseudopod.
  • English Word Pseudopupa Definition A stage intermediate between the larva and pupa of bees and certain other hymenopterous insects.
  • English Word Pseudopupae Definition of Pseudopupa
  • English Word Pseudopupas Definition of Pseudopupa
  • English Word Pseudorhabdite Definition One of the peculiar rodlike corpuscles found in the integument of certain Turbellaria. They are filled with a soft granular substance.
  • English Word Pseudoscope Definition An instrument which exhibits objects with their proper relief reversed; -- an effect opposite to that produced by the stereoscope.
  • English Word Pseudoscopic Definition Of, pertaining to, or formed by, a pseudoscope; having its parts appearing with the relief reversed; as, a pseudoscopic image.
  • English Word Pseudoscorpiones Definition An order of Arachnoidea having the palpi terminated by large claws, as in the scorpions, but destitute of a caudal sting; the false scorpions. Called also Pseudoscorpii, and Pseudoscorpionina. See Illust. of Book scorpion, under Book.
  • English Word Pseudosphere Definition The surface of constant negative curvature generated by the revolution of a tractrix. This surface corresponds in non-Euclidian space to the sphere in ordinary space. An important property of the surface is that any figure drawn upon it can be displaced in any way without tearing it or altering in size any of its elements.
  • English Word Pseudospore Definition A peculiar reproductive cell found in some fungi.
  • English Word Pseudostella Definition Any starlike meteor or phenomenon.
  • English Word Pseudostoma Definition A group of cells resembling a stoma, but without any true aperture among them.
  • English Word Pseudostomata Definition of Pseudostoma
  • English Word Pseudotetramera Definition A division of beetles having the fifth tarsal joint minute and obscure, so that there appear to be but four joints.
  • English Word Pseudotinea Definition The bee moth, or wax moth (Galleria).
  • English Word Pseudotineae Definition of Pseudotinea
  • English Word Pseudoturbinal Definition See under Turbinal.
  • English Word Pseudova Definition of Pseudovum
  • English Word Pseudovaries Definition of Pseudovary
  • English Word Pseudovary Definition The organ in which pseudova are produced; -- called also pseudovarium.
  • English Word Pseudovum Definition An egglike germ produced by the agamic females of some insects and other animals, and by the larvae of certain insects. It is capable of development without fertilization. See Illust. of Paedogenesis.
  • English Word Pseuso-peripteral Definition Falsely or imperfectly peripteral, as a temple having the columns at the sides attached to the walls, and an ambulatory only at the ends or only at one end.
  • English Word Pseuso-peripteral Definition A pseudo-peripteral temple.
  • English Word Pshaw Definition Pish! pooch! -- an exclamation used as an expression of contempt, disdain, dislike, etc.
  • English Word Pshaw Definition To express disgust or contemptuous disapprobation, as by the exclamation " Pshaw!"
  • English Word Psilanthropic Definition Pertaining to, or embodying, psilanthropy. "A psilanthropic explanation."
  • English Word Psilanthropism Definition Psilanthropy.
  • English Word Psilanthropist Definition One who believes that Christ was a mere man.
  • English Word Psilanthropy Definition The doctrine of the merely human existence of Christ.