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  • English Word Propagating Definition of Propagate
  • English Word Propagation Definition The act of propagating; continuance or multiplication of the kind by generation or successive production; as, the propagation of animals or plants.
  • English Word Propagation Definition The spreading abroad, or extension, of anything; diffusion; dissemination; as, the propagation of sound; the propagation of the gospel.
  • English Word Propagative Definition Producing by propagation, or by a process of growth.
  • English Word Propagator Definition One who propagates; one who continues or multiplies.
  • English Word Propagula Definition of Propagulum
  • English Word Propagulum Definition A runner terminated by a germinating bud.
  • English Word Propane Definition A heavy gaseous hydrocarbon, C3H8, of the paraffin series, occurring naturally dissolved in crude petroleum, and also made artificially; -- called also propyl hydride.
  • English Word Propargyl Definition Same as Propinyl.
  • English Word Proparoxytone Definition A word which has the acute accent on the antepenult.
  • English Word Proped Definition Same as Proleg.
  • English Word Propel Definition To drive forward; to urge or press onward by force; to move, or cause to move; as, the wind or steam propels ships; balls are propelled by gunpowder.
  • English Word Propelled Definition of Propel
  • English Word Propeller Definition One who, or that which, propels.
  • English Word Propeller Definition A contrivance for propelling a steam vessel, usually consisting of a screw placed in the stern under water, and made to revolve by an engine; a propeller wheel.
  • English Word Propeller Definition A steamboat thus propelled; a screw steamer.
  • English Word Propelling Definition of Propel
  • English Word Propend Definition To lean toward a thing; to be favorably inclined or disposed; to incline; to tend.
  • English Word Propendency Definition Propensity.
  • English Word Propendency Definition Attentive deliberation.
  • English Word Propendent Definition Inclining forward or toward.
  • English Word Propene Definition Same as Propylene.
  • English Word Propense Definition Leaning toward, in a moral sense; inclined; disposed; prone; as, women propense to holiness.
  • English Word Propension Definition The quality or state of being propense; propensity.
  • English Word Propensities Definition of Propensity
  • English Word Propensity Definition The quality or state of being propense; natural inclination; disposition to do good or evil; bias; bent; tendency.
  • English Word Propenyl Definition A hypothetical hydrocarbon radical, C3H5, isomeric with allyl and glyceryl, and regarded as the essential residue of glycerin. Cf. Allyl, and Glyceryl.
  • English Word Propepsin Definition See Persinogen.
  • English Word Propeptone Definition A product of gastric digestion intermediate between albumin and peptone, identical with hemialbumose.
  • English Word Proper Definition Belonging to one; one's own; individual.