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  • English Word Prolongable Definition Capable of being prolonged; as, life is prolongable by care.
  • English Word Prolongate Definition To prolong; to extend in space or in time.
  • English Word Prolongated Definition of Prolongate
  • English Word Prolongating Definition of Prolongate
  • English Word Prolongation Definition The act of lengthening in space or in time; extension; protraction.
  • English Word Prolongation Definition That which forms an additional length.
  • English Word Prolonge Definition A rope with a hook and a toggle, sometimes used to drag a gun carriage or to lash it to the limber, and for various other purposes.
  • English Word Prolonged Definition of Prolong
  • English Word Prolonger Definition One who, or that which, causes an extension in time or space.
  • English Word Prolonging Definition of Prolong
  • English Word Prolongment Definition Prolongation.
  • English Word Prolusion Definition A trial before the principal performance; a prelude; hence, an introductory essay or exercise.
  • English Word Promanation Definition The act of flowing forth; emanation; efflux.
  • English Word Promenade Definition A walk for pleasure, display, or exercise.
  • English Word Promenade Definition A place for walking; a public walk.
  • English Word Promenade Definition To walk for pleasure, display, or exercise.
  • English Word Promenaded Definition of Promenade
  • English Word Promenader Definition One who promenades.
  • English Word Promenading Definition of Promenade
  • English Word Promerit Definition To oblige; to confer a favor on.
  • English Word Promerit Definition To deserve; to procure by merit.
  • English Word Promerops Definition Any one of several species of very brilliant birds belonging to Promerops, Epimarchus, and allied genera, closely related to the paradise birds, and mostly native of New Guinea. They have a long curved beak and a long graduated tail.
  • English Word Promerphological Definition Relating to promorphology; as, a promorphological conception.
  • English Word Promethea Definition A large American bombycid moth (Callosamia promethea). Its larva feeds on the sassafras, wild cherry, and other trees, and suspends its cocoon from a branch by a silken band.
  • English Word Promethean Definition Of or pertaining to Prometheus. See Prometheus.
  • English Word Promethean Definition Having a life-giving quality; inspiring.
  • English Word Promethean Definition An apparatus for automatic ignition.
  • English Word Promethean Definition A kind of lucifer match.
  • English Word Prometheus Definition The son of Iapetus (one of the Titans) and Clymene, fabled by the poets to have surpassed all mankind in knowledge, and to have formed men of clay to whom he gave life by means of fire stolen from heaven. Jupiter, being angry at this, sent Mercury to bind Prometheus to Mount Caucasus, where a vulture preyed upon his liver.
  • English Word Prominence Definition Alt. of Prominency