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  • English Word Projectile Definition Caused or imparted by impulse or projection; impelled forward; as, projectile motion.
  • English Word Projectile Definition A body projected, or impelled forward, by force; especially, a missile adapted to be shot from a firearm.
  • English Word Projectile Definition A part of mechanics which treats of the motion, range, time of flight, etc., of bodies thrown or driven through the air by an impelling force.
  • English Word Projecting Definition of Project
  • English Word Projection Definition The act of throwing or shooting forward.
  • English Word Projection Definition A jutting out; also, a part jutting out, as of a building; an extension beyond something else.
  • English Word Projection Definition The act of scheming or planning; also, that which is planned; contrivance; design; plan.
  • English Word Projection Definition The representation of something; delineation; plan; especially, the representation of any object on a perspective plane, or such a delineation as would result were the chief points of the object thrown forward upon the plane, each in the direction of a line drawn through it from a given point of sight, or central point; as, the projection of a sphere. The several kinds of projection differ according to the assumed point of sight and plane of projection in each.
  • English Word Projection Definition Any method of representing the surface of the earth upon a plane.
  • English Word Projectment Definition Design; contrivance; projection.
  • English Word Projector Definition One who projects a scheme or design; hence, one who forms fanciful or chimerical schemes.
  • English Word Projecture Definition A jutting out beyond a surface.
  • English Word Projet Definition A plan proposed; a draft of a proposed measure; a project.
  • English Word Proke Definition To poke; to thrust.
  • English Word Prolapse Definition The falling down of a part through the orifice with which it is naturally connected, especially of the uterus or the rectum.
  • English Word Prolapse Definition To fall down or out; to protrude.
  • English Word Prolapsion Definition Prolapse.
  • English Word Prolapsus Definition Prolapse.
  • English Word Prolata Definition of Prolatum
  • English Word Prolate Definition Stretched out; extended; especially, elongated in the direction of a line joining the poles; as, a prolate spheroid; -- opposed to oblate.
  • English Word Prolate Definition To utter; to pronounce.
  • English Word Prolation Definition The act of prolating or pronouncing; utterance; pronunciation.
  • English Word Prolation Definition The act of deferring; delay.
  • English Word Prolation Definition A mediaeval method of determining of the proportionate duration of semibreves and minims.
  • English Word Prolatum Definition A prolate spheroid. See Ellipsoid of revolution, under Ellipsoid.
  • English Word Proleg Definition One of the fleshy legs found on the abdominal segments of the larvae of Lepidoptera, sawflies, and some other insects. Those of Lepidoptera have a circle of hooks. Called also proped, propleg, and falseleg.
  • English Word Prolegate Definition The deputy or substitute for a legate.
  • English Word Prolegomena Definition of Prolegomenon
  • English Word Prolegomenary Definition Of the nature of a prolegomenon; preliminary; introductory; prefatory.
  • English Word Prolegomenon Definition A preliminary remark or observation; an introductory discourse prefixed to a book or treatise.