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  • English Word Prominency Definition The quality or state of being prominent; a standing out from something; conspicuousness.
  • English Word Prominency Definition That which is prominent; a protuberance.
  • English Word Prominent Definition Standing out, or projecting, beyond the line surface of something; jutting; protuberant; in high relief; as, a prominent figure on a vase.
  • English Word Prominent Definition Hence; Distinctly manifest; likely to attract attention from its size or position; conspicuous; as, a prominent feature of the face; a prominent building.
  • English Word Prominent Definition Eminent; distinguished above others; as, a prominent character.
  • English Word Prominently Definition In a prominent manner.
  • English Word Promiscuity Definition Promiscuousness; confusion.
  • English Word Promiscuous Definition Consisting of individuals united in a body or mass without order; mingled; confused; undistinguished; as, a promiscuous crowd or mass.
  • English Word Promiscuous Definition Distributed or applied without order or discrimination; not restricted to an individual; common; indiscriminate; as, promiscuous love or intercourse.
  • English Word Promiscuously Definition In a promiscuous manner.
  • English Word Promiscuousness Definition The quality or state of being promiscuous.
  • English Word Promise Definition In general, a declaration, written or verbal, made by one person to another, which binds the person who makes it to do, or to forbear to do, a specified act; a declaration which gives to the person to whom it is made a right to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specified act.
  • English Word Promise Definition An engagement by one person to another, either in words or in writing, but properly not under seal, for the performance or nonperformance of some particular thing. The word promise is used to denote the mere engagement of a person, without regard to the consideration for it, or the corresponding duty of the party to whom it is made.
  • English Word Promise Definition That which causes hope, expectation, or assurance; especially, that which affords expectation of future distinction; as, a youth of great promise.
  • English Word Promise Definition Bestowal, fulfillment, or grant of what is promised.
  • English Word Promise Definition To engage to do, give, make, or to refrain from doing, giving, or making, or the like; to covenant; to engage; as, to promise a visit; to promise a cessation of hostilities; to promise the payment of money.
  • English Word Promise Definition To afford reason to expect; to cause hope or assurance of; as, the clouds promise rain.
  • English Word Promise Definition To make declaration of or give assurance of, as some benefit to be conferred; to pledge or engage to bestow; as, the proprietors promised large tracts of land; the city promised a reward.
  • English Word Promise Definition To give assurance by a promise, or binding declaration.
  • English Word Promise Definition To afford hopes or expectation; to give ground to expect good; rarely, to give reason to expect evil.
  • English Word Promised Definition of Promise
  • English Word Promisee Definition The person to whom a promise is made.
  • English Word Promiser Definition One who promises.
  • English Word Promising Definition of Promise
  • English Word Promising Definition Making a promise or promises; affording hope or assurance; as, promising person; a promising day.
  • English Word Promisor Definition One who engages or undertakes; a promiser.
  • English Word Promissive Definition Making a promise; implying a promise; promising.
  • English Word Promissorily Definition In a promissory manner.
  • English Word Promissory Definition Containing a promise or binding declaration of something to be done or forborne.
  • English Word Promont Definition Promontory.