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  • English Word Promptness Definition Promptitude; readiness; quickness of decision or action.
  • English Word Promptness Definition Cheerful willingness; alacrity.
  • English Word Promptuary Definition Of or pertaining to preparation.
  • English Word Promptuary Definition That from which supplies are drawn; a storehouse; a magazine; a repository.
  • English Word Prompture Definition Suggestion; incitement; prompting.
  • English Word Promt Definition Ready and quick to act as occasion demands; meeting requirements readily; not slow, dilatory, or hesitating in decision or action; responding on the instant; immediate; as, prompt in obedience or compliance; -- said of persons.
  • English Word Promt Definition Done or rendered quickly, readily, or immediately; given without delay or hesitation; -- said of conduct; as, prompt assistance.
  • English Word Promt Definition Easy; unobstructed.
  • English Word Promulgate Definition To make known by open declaration, as laws, decrees, or tidings; to publish; as, to promulgate the secrets of a council.
  • English Word Promulgated Definition of Promulgate
  • English Word Promulgating Definition of Promulgate
  • English Word Promulgation Definition The act of promulgating; publication; open declaration; as, the promulgation of the gospel.
  • English Word Promulgator Definition One who promulgates or publishes.
  • English Word Promulge Definition To promulgate; to publish or teach.
  • English Word Promulged Definition of Promulge
  • English Word Promulger Definition One who promulges or publishes what was before unknown.
  • English Word Promulging Definition of Promulge
  • English Word Promuscis Definition The proboscis of hemipterous insects. See Illust. under Hemiptera.
  • English Word Pronaos Definition The porch or vestibule of a temple.
  • English Word Pronate Definition Somewhat prone; inclined; as, pronate trees.
  • English Word Pronation Definition The act of turning the palm or palmar surface of the forefoot downward.
  • English Word Pronation Definition That motion of the forearm whereby the palm or palmar, surface is turned downward.
  • English Word Pronation Definition The position of the limb resulting from the act of pronation. Opposed to supination.
  • English Word Pronator Definition A muscle which produces pronation.
  • English Word Prone Definition Bending forward; inclined; not erect.
  • English Word Prone Definition Prostrate; flat; esp., lying with the face down; -- opposed to supine.
  • English Word Prone Definition Headlong; running downward or headlong.
  • English Word Prone Definition Sloping, with reference to a line or surface; declivous; inclined; not level.
  • English Word Prone Definition Inclined; propense; disposed; -- applied to the mind or affections, usually in an ill sense. Followed by to.
  • English Word Pronely Definition In a prone manner or position.