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  • English Word Prognostication Definition The act of foreshowing or foretelling something future by present signs; prediction.
  • English Word Prognostication Definition That which foreshows; a foretoken.
  • English Word Prognosticator Definition One who prognosticates; a foreknower or foreteller of a future course or event by present signs.
  • English Word Program Definition Same as Programme.
  • English Word Programma Definition Any law, which, after it had passed the Athenian senate, was fixed on a tablet for public inspection previously to its being proposed to the general assembly of the people.
  • English Word Programma Definition An edict published for public information; an official bulletin; a public proclamation.
  • English Word Programma Definition See Programme.
  • English Word Programma Definition A preface.
  • English Word Programmata Definition of Programma
  • English Word Programme Definition That which is written or printed as a public notice or advertisement; a scheme; a prospectus; especially, a brief outline or explanation of the order to be pursued, or the subjects embraced, in any public exercise, performance, or entertainment; a preliminary sketch.
  • English Word Progress Definition A moving or going forward; a proceeding onward; an advance
  • English Word Progress Definition In actual space, as the progress of a ship, carriage, etc.
  • English Word Progress Definition In the growth of an animal or plant; increase.
  • English Word Progress Definition In business of any kind; as, the progress of a negotiation; the progress of art.
  • English Word Progress Definition In knowledge; in proficiency; as, the progress of a child at school.
  • English Word Progress Definition Toward ideal completeness or perfection in respect of quality or condition; -- applied to individuals, communities, or the race; as, social, moral, religious, or political progress.
  • English Word Progress Definition A journey of state; a circuit; especially, one made by a sovereign through parts of his own dominions.
  • English Word Progress Definition To make progress; to move forward in space; to continue onward in course; to proceed; to advance; to go on; as, railroads are progressing.
  • English Word Progress Definition To make improvement; to advance.
  • English Word Progress Definition To make progress in; to pass through.
  • English Word Progressed Definition of Progress
  • English Word Progressing Definition of Progress
  • English Word Progression Definition The act of moving forward; a proceeding in a course; motion onward.
  • English Word Progression Definition Course; passage; lapse or process of time.
  • English Word Progression Definition Regular or proportional advance in increase or decrease of numbers; continued proportion, arithmetical, geometrical, or harmonic.
  • English Word Progression Definition A regular succession of tones or chords; the movement of the parts in harmony; the order of the modulations in a piece from key to key.
  • English Word Progressional Definition Of or pertaining to progression; tending to, or capable of, progress.
  • English Word Progressionist Definition One who holds to a belief in the progression of society toward perfection.
  • English Word Progressionist Definition One who maintains the doctrine of progression in organic forms; -- opposed to uniformitarian.
  • English Word Progressist Definition One who makes, or holds to, progress; a progressionist.