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  • English Word Prog Definition A vagrant beggar; a tramp.
  • English Word Prog Definition A goal; progue.
  • English Word Progenerate Definition To beget; to generate; to produce; to procreate; as, to progenerate a race.
  • English Word Progeneration Definition The act of begetting; propagation.
  • English Word Progenitor Definition An ancestor in the direct line; a forefather.
  • English Word Progenitorship Definition The state of being a progenitor.
  • English Word Progenitress Definition A female progenitor.
  • English Word Progeniture Definition A begetting, or birth.
  • English Word Progeny Definition Descendants of the human kind, or offspring of other animals; children; offspring; race, lineage.
  • English Word Progged Definition of Prog
  • English Word Progging Definition of Prog
  • English Word Proglottid Definition Proglottis.
  • English Word Proglottides Definition of Proglottis
  • English Word Proglottis Definition One of the free, or nearly free, segments of a tapeworm. It contains both male and female reproductive organs, and is capable of a brief independent existence.
  • English Word Prognathi Definition A comprehensive group of mankind, including those that have prognathous jaws.
  • English Word Prognathic Definition Prognathous.
  • English Word Prognathism Definition Projection of the jaws.
  • English Word Prognathous Definition Having the jaws projecting beyond the upper part of the face; -- opposed to orthognathous. See Gnathic index, under Gnathic.
  • English Word Progne Definition A swallow.
  • English Word Progne Definition A genus of swallows including the purple martin. See Martin.
  • English Word Progne Definition An American butterfly (Polygonia, / Vanessa, Progne). It is orange and black above, grayish beneath, with an L-shaped silver mark on the hind wings. Called also gray comma.
  • English Word Prognosis Definition The act or art of foretelling the course and termination of a disease; also, the outlook afforded by this act of judgment; as, the prognosis of hydrophobia is bad.
  • English Word Prognostic Definition Indicating something future by signs or symptoms; foreshowing; aiding in prognosis; as, the prognostic symptoms of a disease; prognostic signs.
  • English Word Prognostic Definition That which prognosticates; a sign by which a future event may be known or foretold; an indication; a sign or omen; hence, a foretelling; a prediction.
  • English Word Prognostic Definition A sign or symptom indicating the course and termination of a disease.
  • English Word Prognostic Definition To prognosticate.
  • English Word Prognosticable Definition Capable of being prognosticated or foretold.
  • English Word Prognosticate Definition To indicate as future; to foretell from signs or symptoms; to prophesy; to foreshow; to predict; as, to prognosticate evil.
  • English Word Prognosticated Definition of Prognosticate
  • English Word Prognosticating Definition of Prognosticate