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  • English Word Procuratorial Definition Of or pertaining to a procurator, or proctor; made by a proctor.
  • English Word Procuratorship Definition The office or term of a procurator.
  • English Word Procuratory Definition Tending to, or authorizing, procuration.
  • English Word Procure Definition To bring into possession; to cause to accrue to, or to come into possession of; to acquire or provide for one's self or for another; to gain; to get; to obtain by any means, as by purchase or loan.
  • English Word Procure Definition To contrive; to bring about; to effect; to cause.
  • English Word Procure Definition To solicit; to entreat.
  • English Word Procure Definition To cause to come; to bring; to attract.
  • English Word Procure Definition To obtain for illicit intercourse or prostitution.
  • English Word Procure Definition To pimp.
  • English Word Procure Definition To manage business for another in court.
  • English Word Procured Definition of Procure
  • English Word Procurement Definition The act of procuring or obtaining; obtainment; attainment.
  • English Word Procurement Definition Efficient contrivance; management; agency.
  • English Word Procurer Definition One who procures, or obtains; one who, or that which, brings on, or causes to be done, esp. by corrupt means.
  • English Word Procurer Definition One who procures the gratification of lust for another; a pimp; a pander.
  • English Word Procuress Definition A female procurer, or pander.
  • English Word Procuring Definition of Procure
  • English Word Procyon Definition A star of the first magnitude in the constellation Canis Minor, or the Little Dog.
  • English Word Procyon Definition A genus of mammals including the raccoon.
  • English Word Prod Definition A pointed instrument for pricking or puncturing, as a goad, an awl, a skewer, etc.
  • English Word Prod Definition A prick or stab which a pointed instrument.
  • English Word Prod Definition A light kind of crossbow; -- in the sense, often spelled prodd.
  • English Word Prod Definition To thrust some pointed instrument into; to prick with something sharp; as, to prod a soldier with a bayonet; to prod oxen; hence, to goad, to incite, to worry; as, to prod a student.
  • English Word Prodd Definition A crossbow. See Prod, 3.
  • English Word Prodded Definition of Prod
  • English Word Prodding Definition of Prod
  • English Word Prodigal Definition Given to extravagant expenditure; expending money or other things without necessity; recklessly or viciously profuse; lavish; wasteful; not frugal or economical; as, a prodigal man; the prodigal son; prodigal giving; prodigal expenses.
  • English Word Prodigal Definition One who expends money extravagantly, viciously, or without necessity; one that is profuse or lavish in any expenditure; a waster; a spendthrift.
  • English Word Prodigality Definition Extravagance in expenditure, particularly of money; excessive liberality; profusion; waste; -- opposed to frugality, economy, and parsimony.
  • English Word Prodigalize Definition To act as a prodigal; to spend liberally.